I have...

Savage Lands

I want...

3.5 keys (CSGO or TF2)
(0.5 key is 2 sacks of gems, cards, items....)

I can accept 18 ref as 1 key
I can accept 4 Sacks of gems as 1 key
I can accept 70-100 cards as 1 key
I can accept TF2 (or Dota 2 or CSGO) items, with some overpay
I can accept VERY GOOD game offers (STEAM GIFTS only)

if you accept my price, add me or send trade offer HERE

other offers here, please


Beware of impersonators!

Always check Steam profile!
Dont trust traders with private profile or with free games in library only!

I have public profile, never change my Steam nickname and I have over 3700 games in my library.

8 years ago*

Anything for Savage Lands?

Steam Keys
Frozen Synapse Prime
Weird World
Relic Hunter Zero (free on steam but this drops the cards)
Knights and Merchants-Historical version

Rainbow Six Siege Closed Beta

Steam Gifts
Gun Monkeys
Payday Heist *3

8 years ago

i can accept 3x Payday + your tradable items (cards, csgo items, Robot Roller-Derby items...)

8 years ago

I would have done that but 1 of my Paydays is already spoken for so now I only have 2 copies. Thank you for your response though.I appreciate it!

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.