Hey there. Looking for a copy of Don Bradman Cricket 14. TF2 keys are in my backpack right now and ready to trade. :)

EDIT: I've sent 2x trade offers out at 17 keys, but the sellers are both offline. If you can beat that price, add me direct.

9 years ago*

That negative rep

9 years ago

Yup. Some asshat revenge-repped me, and I'm guessing something went wrong, because now I'm apparently Steamtrades' very own version of Satan. :p

I've tried submitting a ticket over at Steamgifts, but that was a month ago, and no reply...

9 years ago

That bug (+7/-4294967295)

9 years ago

No, I assure you it's not a bug. I earned every last neg-rep. I'm the trading equivalent of Hitler's Mother-in-law. :p

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.