I have...
I want...

CS:GO, TF2 Keys
Paypal, Revolut..

Write a comment here before adding me

4 years ago*

How much worth of CS:GO Keys? Also, is there anything else you will accept, like maybe $250-500 equivalent in a bunch of games (of your choosing) that I can gift to your inventory?

(Wolfenstein 2009)

4 years ago*

I am open to offers, there's no a current price, however be aware of the current prices, Wolfenstein™ 2009 Gift is being sold for $3500-5000.

There are no games I'm interested in for an exchange, so CS:GO keys will be the preferred way.

4 years ago*

The game is on sale at that price from 3 years...never sold..

4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.