I've noticed quite a few people seeking out this service, so I'm now providing it! I'll gift you any non-BTA Humble or Groupees Bundle for 1 TF2 Key or a decent game offer.

Lower rep goes first, whether it's me or you!

Please comment here before adding me! Thanks!

1 decade ago*

Can you 8 cards + 1 Foil for No bta ? wb ?

1 decade ago

Hmm... not really looking for cards, but that's good offer. Adding you to discuss.

1 decade ago

only non-BTA ?

i'd like this bundle http://www.bundlestars.com/all-bundles/outer-limits-bundle/
if possible how many keys/refs is it ?
or can also get any 2.5 euro gift that is available now on steam

1 decade ago

I could do that one for 2 keys.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.