Make me a fair offer for all JC2 dlc's - i know they were just a few bucks not long ago

My inventory

My keys:

Analogue: A Hate Story -
Dangerous Waters -
Dark Fall: Lost Souls -
Death To spies & Death To Spies: 2 (2games) -
Fieldrunners, BIT.TRIP BEAT, SpaceChem, and Uplink -
Ghost Master -
Guns of Icarus -
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days -
King's Bounty: Armored Princess -
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light -
Metal Drift -
Reign: Conflicts of Nations -
Revelations 2012 -
Rig 'N Roll -
Sacred Gold -
Shattered Horizon -
Space Empires V -
Space Rangers -
Spirits Steam Key -
Star Wolves -
Supreme Commander 2 -
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 -
Tomb Raider Underworld -
UFO: Afterlight -
Waves -
World of Goo, Anomaly, Osmos, and EDGE Steam Key -
Zero Gear -

1 decade ago

-Planetside 2 Beta keys (2x)-Gear Up Alpha-War of the Roses Beta-Dust 514 Beta (2 copies,PS3) interest?

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.