I have...

Dishonored (as gift, not key)
View in my inventory

(it also says Dishonored (ROW), not sure if that is important to mention, anyway its noted)

I want...

Any steam game I do not own yet that you want to trade for this game..
Can either be a gift or key, as long as it is a steam game!

Edit: Game is reserved for somebody, thanks!

Hey everyone,

I already own this game myself, and got my hands on this copy because I sold A LOT of cards for this, the reason why is because some guy on steam asked me to get it for him and so I did, now to keep my story short here, I almost got scammed by this person and now I am left over with a gift in my inventory for this game I already own myself..

So I thought why not put it up for trade for a game I don't own yet, so to anyone who has some games to trade and is willing to trade a game (or more, depends on what the offer is), then feel free to leave me a comment with your game offers!
The only thing I ask for is to keep it fair for both sides, and also have a clean reputation or its a no-go!

Thanks and have a nice day

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.