I have...

TF2/CSGO crate keys.

I want...

Wholesale inventories.

This is thread is for the purpose of users who have an inventory of multiple games in which they wish to shift at a discounted price, if interested please post a list of your games (or a link to your inventory) and a price, if i agree i will add you for further discussion.

8 years ago

Virtua Tennis 4 for 5 TF2 keys?

8 years ago

Please take the time to read the notes carefully.

8 years ago

I did read carefully, saw Virtua Tennis on your wishlist, if you don't want to trade it for 5 TF2 keys, just say no mate and saves us both time.

8 years ago

No, it saves time if you actually read the notes before posting a comment, i said quite clearly, i wanted BULK inventory offers, not single games.

8 years ago

Sorry to waste your time then. Goodluck with your future trades.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.