Will also consider offers but will only accept games I already own as tradeables/Steam Gifts.

ALL trades will be done as lower rep goes first; no exceptions.

  • Payday 2 (Steam Key) - $4.50 Paypal or 2.5 TF2/CS:GO keys or 3.5 Dota2 keys (0.5 keys = 1 Tour of Duty Ticket)

If you agree to the price, feel free to add me but post here first so I know who you are. If you are making an offer, post the offer first and I will add you if I accept.

9 years ago*

Would you do 2 tf2 keys for payday 2?

9 years ago

The best I could do is 2 TF2 keys + 2 Summer Sale cards, otherwise I'm selling it for less than I paid for it :)

Add me if this price works for you.

Edit: Sold out.

9 years ago

I'm interested in a copy via paypal

9 years ago


Edit: Thanks!

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.