Don't Starve

Games from my Wishlist
Games you think I would enjoy and I don't own
HIB-THQ-Bundle, HIB 1, Voxatron Bundle, Humble Android Bundle 3

I got a second copy of the Game when I bought it for 11€ and I don't want to waste the second copy just sitting in my Inventory. That said, if your game costs around 5€ and it's a game I want, chances are high that I will trade. But if it's a Bundle or from my Wishlist I might trade for lower value ;D

PS: Only Games, No Dota2

1 decade ago*

Interested in the Sanctum Collection?

1 decade ago

Yes, that's cool , I will add you.

1 decade ago

cool thanks :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.