Stock 4 Keys (I will add more soon)
Add me only if you agree these conditions!
1) Your paypal account must be verified.
2) You pay all fees if there's any.
3) Money must be sent as a gift.
4) You must go first.
5) You must have verified paypal.
No transactions to unverified paypals. Thanks.


TF/CS GO Keys 1.3 EUR / 1.7$
DOTA Keys 1 EUR / 1.2$

I can also buy other items just ask about the prices here.

1 decade ago*

I can buy 30-40 CS:GO keys if you can go first. I have verified business PP and tons of rep.

1 decade ago

Sorry I cant do it

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.