I know this is for steam trades but please read on: So I just sold my PS3 and ordered a PS4 on amazon as soon as a new shipment went live on there. Right now though, my paypal for my ebay sale is being held a couple more days, and I don't have all of the money in my bank account for the order to go through or any more to buy some amazon credit to put on my account to even out the balance. I need $200-250 and was wondering if theres any way possible anyone could help me out and as soon as my funds on paypal were released here on wednesday I could pay you right back. Im willing to come to terms with anything you may ask because i don't want to lose the order, especially since I don't know when more will be in stock. I can show you I have the funds in Paypal as well ready to go and can pay any extra fees or interest from you. If anyone here can help, I will also in addition buy them a steam game of their choice, i just really can't afford to lose the order. If theres any way i would be so appreciative, I understand its a lot, I just don't have anyone really to ask at this point. I have good rep on here and anyone can see that, we can discuss this if you add me on steam through my profile link. Thank you!

1 decade ago*

I'm sorry for you. Sadly i didn't have all those money. Hope someone will help you, here a bump.

1 decade ago

Thank you a ton! I understand, and many don't have the money. I wish i could help everyone whenever i see they need help, and hopefully I'm fortunate enough to get some. Again thanks and have a great day!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.