I have...

Hi, and welcome!

Feel free to make some offers with games outside of my wishlist, too.
Also, games from my "followed" list are quite fine.

I am ONLY interested in games, though.
I am NOT interested in Paypal, CS:GO keys, trading cards, free games, or low tier games from Indiegala and the like; I'm just in it for fun, and to add to my collection.

Feel free to add me on Steam after posting your offer here and I accept it - but only after :)

I want...

I'll gladly accept GOG and Uplay keys.

Also, my GOG wishlist http://www.gog.com/u/Spiegelmann/wishlist
(needless to say, Steam keys are fine for these :) )

6 years ago

Sherlock Holmes and the Devil's Daughter for something from my list: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/zCWek/payday-2-dlc-doom-3-deus-ex-call-to-armscsgo ?

6 years ago

Hi! Well, I'd be interested in Dead by daylight. Both games were bundles, are priced similarly, and have identical historical lows. Let me know if you think it'd be fair.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.