Trading a 100% Orange Juice steam gift for games on my wishlist.

Yes, I know 100% Orange Juice is in the current Groupee bundle.

Keep the gift around for a month or two and you'll probably be able to safely (via Steam's trading) get a key or two for it.

9 years ago*

something here for that ?

9 years ago

99 Spirits's DLC is available for cheap now, so I'm not really interested in 99 Spirits alone...
Will you accept a 1:1 for Half Minute Hero, though?

Edit: Modified thread to ask for games on my wishlist. The offer above still stands.

9 years ago

so added to trade :)

9 years ago

I can do 99 Spirits & DLC if your still interested in them?

9 years ago

Alright, traded with Spider2745 here.

Magic6, my offer for Half Minute Hero still stands, though, I still have one more gift.

I'll be editing the thread for other games on my wishlist.

9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.