I also have a Bit Trip Runner 2 coupon 40 % off. I'm adding any Steam game from Amazon for 6.50 or less. I'm open to offers, I like tps, fps, action rgps with controller support, basically action games. PM me if you want to make an offer to me or make the offer in here, thanks. I would really like a copy of Gode Mode but meh, no one seem to want to trade for that. Oh I also have a COH 2 beta key to add to my offer if you want that as well. All my games are keys but I will give you most of them first so you can see I am no scammer, bought these games and lost interest in playing them.

If you want to offer any of these games I will accept them but again I am open to offers, I like action games, fps, tps, etc...

Space Marine,
Driver San Francisco,
God Mode,
Kane and Lynch 1 and 2,
Sonic and All Stars racing either one,
Duke Nukem Forever + The doctor...
Binary Domain,
The Syndicate,
Kingdom of Amulur

1 decade ago*

WTF, steam banned me for this offer in their forums. What's wrong with my offer guys? Why no warning, god I hate steam. Can someone give me some insight on the situation in here?

Steam is so terrible. I asked them to tell me if I was doing something wrong and they just ban me, fluck steam, your client is garbage, your volunteers are garbage, and the few games you've made in over ten years are absolute garbage.


I also have a Bit Trip Runner 2 coupon. I'm open to offers, I like tps, fps, action rgps with controller support, basically action games. PM me if you want to make an offer to me or make the offer in here, thanks. I would really like a copy of Gode Mode but meh, no one seem to want to trade for that. Oh I also have a COH 2 beta key to add to my offer if you want that as well. Also someone keeps deleting my threads, please tell me why if you are going to delete this one as well. As far as I know I'm not breaking any rules by offering my stuff to trade, thanks.

1 decade ago

you can only trade tradable gifts in the official steam forums (absolutely no humble bundle keys). this is the right place to trade steamkeys

1 decade ago

Thank you, that's really small of them to not warn me or tell me that, just ban me instantly. Thanks again, so my offer is alright in here? If so I will add any game from Amazon for 6.50 or less to my offer friends.

1 decade ago

it's in one of the stickied treads

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

I was going to offer another 2.50 to the Amazon offer but then realized I CAN JUST BUY THE GAMES FOR LESS THAN WHAT I AM OFFERING IF I DO THAT. I give up, I can just buy the games for less than what I'm offering. Steam trading is the worst. You guys missed out on a great offer. smh See ya around.

1 decade ago

something from here for forge discount?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.