I don't need the card so I will trade it with someone here .

The DLC is cost now 0.74 Dollars and I'm giving 2$ gift card.

and the McPixel I will buy for 5.33 in metal.

Offer here for trade or add me.

1 decade ago*

if it's one of those amazon codes I can enter in and spend later I'll do it. I'm not on steam right now but I'll be on later, or shoot me an email/gchat chaosspawndx at gmail, since this shouldn't require steam chat to execute.

1 decade ago

No you enter the code when you want to buy something at the moment.

1 decade ago

So is it a coupon/promo code, and not in a format like this: XXXX-YYYYYY-ZZZZ
If it's in that format then I can do the trade, otherwise I'll have to look into it.

1 decade ago

the format of it is XXXX-XXXXXX-XXXX
4 numbers and letters -6 numbers and letter - 4 numbers and letters.

1 decade ago

ok then that's fine with me, are you willing to run through an email exchange or if not I'll be online on steam in maybe 3 hours-ish

1 decade ago

can we do this in 12 hours because I need to go to work tomorrow and it's 11:30 PM in here.

1 decade ago

hmm unfortunately timezones make 12 hours hard (it's 5PM here). I'm willing to send first, and can do that right now, if you're ok with contacting through email, but otherwise I'll probably be online most of tommorow and just find me when I'm around.

1 decade ago

ok I will contact you in about 20-24 Hours .

mean while I added you to my friends list.

1 decade ago

cool, catch you around soon then

1 decade ago

sorry for saying this but someone has gifted it for me.

1 decade ago


חח סתם XD

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.