[H} Choose anything up to $5.46 steam wallet

[W] Humble Bundle THQ BTA

1 decade ago*

That's just stupid, i mean BTA is over $5.00, why would anyone accept this? :O

1 decade ago

Not every1 has paypal or cc

1 decade ago

i know, but how can he buy a game on steam then? you also need a credit card for that... but whatever

1 decade ago

I dont have cc or paypal and i can buy from steam using skrill for example.

1 decade ago

but who is able to buy thq bundle can also buy a steam game :P but i see your point, maybe someone will do PunasaurusRex this favor.

1 decade ago

hmm its called gamestop or bestbuy, you convert cash to steam wallet codes then you plug into the steam and wallah cash to steam wallet - you don't need a credit card or paypal to get stuff from steam - anyway if you are not going to accept the offer that is fine - but you do not have to post here - just like people who are asking for 5 dollars for a game like nexuiz which is usually 2.50 on sale often or even during the sale one gets 4 copies for $7.50, i do not go around voicing my opinion on their topics and I do not see you guy doing that either. In addition, I currently only have $5.46 on my steam wallet - to my knowledge there is no game that is that price - but hey if one can find one at that value i will do that,

1 decade ago

No the point is, you can buy steam wallet but not the humble bundle, so you are in a bad position. however, anyone that can buy the humble bundle can also buy anything on steam, so they have no reason to trade with you.

1 decade ago

maybe but take into account some games are cheaper in the US then in Europe so I do not see why this topic i made with my offer is being commented on - at least I am not offering 3 keys from an Indie Gala for the BTA

a few examples just off the top of my head - in Germany, when not on sale Alice the madness is 49.99 euros - $65 dollars, however its $19.99 for US. Adventures of shuggy is 4.99 usd here and 4.99 euro in germany - 1 euro > 1 usd so they pay more for the game

1 decade ago

alright, good luck, sorry i bothered.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.