I have...

Dota Underlords Beta x 3

( Can probably get more, up to 9 or 12 )

I want...

Something of at least some value.

You might debate that I got underlords for free and I am still extorting other people and asking something of value.
True, and I personally do not care. If you find it somewhere else for cheap, feel free to trade from there.
You can buy the battlepass for 10$ and get it as well, Not forcing you to trade with me.

Apart from that, following are some things to note.
If you are offering games, I will prefer to take gift links, especially from lower repped people since I will be reselling those.
If you are offering keys, Hydra will count as 0.5 key.
Do not add me to discuss. I believe there is nothing that personal that one would require adding. Feel free to offer below and it will be looked upon and replied by me.

These things do not directly say how much I am looking for, just something to keep in mind based on your offer.

4 years ago*

Something you like from here or here?

4 years ago

Sorry, nothing piqued my interest.

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.