I need the Nuclear Dawn before the sale ends for the steam winter achievement, and I'm willing to give any game that's cheaper than the current price in trade for it ^^. I haven't bought the game when it was 75% off unfortunately, because It was supposed to be in IndieRoyale, but now it's only 40% off xD.

State the name of the game you want, and keep in mind that I live in Europe region, so the price may differ here - if you want to check the prices I'm paying, use this link: http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=pl. Nuclear Dawn cost 10,79 euro at the moment, so opt at something no more than 8 for it to be any kind of savings for me worth a while :)

1 decade ago*

1-hourly bumps

1 decade ago

A bump.

1 decade ago

Or Arkham City Robin, Nightwing and Challenge map DLCs? It will be 7.47€

1 decade ago

Okay, why not xD. Add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/faalagorn

EDIT: finalized the deal, went really smooth xD

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.