I ve got an impersonator http://steamcommunity.com/id/blahblah

He is steam level 1 and private... i m 12, always public with at least 250 games, So be carefull

www.steamtrades.com/user/vickyjust VickyJust has been already fooled by the fake guy and give me a negative rep. He/she also refuses to talk to me on steam for explanation. I ll ask for that neg rep to be deleted.

And i tell it again. Be careful guys!!!

Dont be so naive...I am not responsible and its not my problem if u dont check first who u re trading with.
U see a ninja add, private steam profile, level 1 and 10 games or a proposition toooooo good.... What the hell are u thinking of ???? Of course its a scammer.

Not my problem, not my repsonsibility, u re all growns up act like one.
First check then trade, thats what every logic man does.

I m sick of this, u have been cheated like little kids and i am to accuse? From now on such fakes accusation will be considered as spam and will be reported.

P.S. Does anyone know how to delete the negative report ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.