hi all,

i've been pursuing a diablo 3 beta key for many months without any luck.

in a few days i'll get the full game at last, but i'd like to get the beta key anyway.

is there anybody that has a spare one and is willing to trade it before it is over this 15/5?

i'll trade something cheap from here or i'll greatly appreciate a giveaway, even if it is the day before the end of the beta :)

1 decade ago*

d3 beta is actually closed lol

1 decade ago

already??? my gosh!

so beta keys are completely useless already?

1 decade ago

yes they are, servers are closed since may 1st

1 decade ago

any idea if it is possible to redeem a beta key anyway?

1 decade ago

Why would you want to? It will just be removed in 3 days...

1 decade ago

i guess for the appeal of having it saved in the account as a owned game. of course i would not pay for that ;)

1 decade ago

It's not going to be saved though, they are removing the beta keys from accounts and adding Test Server. They had open beta a couple weeks back and ended all betas this past May 1st.

1 decade ago

ah ok, then all this is pretty useless.

anyway i heard that people who were in the WoW beta kept the beta activation in their accounts (even if probably could not do anything with it but adore it;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.