Went out of my way to get Arma But really have no interest in it now..

Trade sounds fair and something i will use i will trade it.


1 decade ago*

Orcs Must Die GOTY!?

1 decade ago

maybe i can trade a few screenshots of arma II for that?

1 decade ago

Haha, so funny!

1 decade ago

Not as funny as a copy of orcs goty, 4 bucks. Also bumped into you in a thread which OP was looking for a copy.. If i responded its liked i can afford the 3-4 bux.. so you are either trolling me, or just unaware..

Do you like orcs?
some want to spend good trade value for the pre-order for part 2.. I would never, especially when a preorder of 2+1 is about 20..

Never a big fan of killing orcs, dont mind playing as one though,lol

1 decade ago

The Darkness II + sweet

1 decade ago

Im very impatient so i will buy and play a game often w/ ps3 and then if its something which i want to play again for sake of better immersion or to test graphics then i buy again for the pc.. But the Darkness II campaign was 6 hours or so and i already got everything i can from it, but good game for those who havent played it.. sorry but tnx 4 the offer.

1 decade ago

Civ 5 GOTY?

1 decade ago

Im a fan of Sid games as well as rts and simulation But Civ V doesnt offer enough content to make it stand out from Civ 4.. im sure the goty collection is nice, i have spent soo meuch time w/ sid me's games that i cant play anymore,lol.. but im sure its a nice goty, i saw at amazon and very close to picking up, impusle buy ;p but i was strong enough to change the page... Thanx 4 the offer.. It deserves a good home w/ Civ fan, i wont play and dont want to trade off a trade.. Want something for this and exit the trade forum.. thnx again

1 decade ago

fallout new vegas (DE)

1 decade ago

I Bought a copy for son and friends when on sale, this game is a brilliant one but just like many games i will play games on console first and then pc if i want to see how far the graphics can be pushed. I already have, My son owns a very nice set up, duplicate to mine, he was twice the resolution than his old man :} thnx 4 offer but want something i havent spent much time with.

1 decade ago

Legend of Grimrock + Metro 2033?

1 decade ago

I have metro, Grimrock great game.. I own /play with old account my son now uses,lol.. He has all the games.. But i dont let him trade.. thnx

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.