Hello, I'm new here and this is my first time posting an offer.
I've read the guides, however if I've made a mistake setting up my offer please let me know!

I'm looking to trade for TF2 Man Co. Keys.

Offering: (Game, Available Keys, Estimated price in TF2 Keys and estimated value)
Battlefield 3 - TRADED
Burnout Paradise - (1x Steam, 1x Origin Key) - (1 ManCo. est. $2US)
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition - (1x Origin Key) - (3 ManCo. est.
Dead Space 1 - (1x Steam, 1x Origin Key) - (1 ManCo. est. $2US)
Dead Space 3 - (1x Origin Key) - (2 ManCo. est.
Medal of Honor - (1x Origin Key) - (1 ManCo. est. ~$2US)
Mirror's Edge - (1x Steam, 1x Origin Key) - (1 ManCo. est. $2US)

The key codes are leftovers sourced from a Humble Bundle deal from August 2013.

If you wish to make make a trade please comment as to which game(s) code(s) you wish to trade for and I'll reply ASAP.

Since I'm new here and have no trading reputation I'm willing to go first in the trade if your reputation is positive.

| steamname: ^^ (ะท) Colonel Seven
| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:3465036
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967195801
| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/colonelseven
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197967195801

1 decade ago*

Bf 3 2 tf key

1 decade ago

Hey HalmyAK, can you match 3 TF keys? Let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as possible (between 12PM to 6AM GMT+1).
As in the topic, if we agree on a deal I'm willing to go first.

1 decade ago

Interested in mirror's edge. Add me=D

1 decade ago

I'll add you as soon as I'm at home. Edit: added.

1 decade ago

I can offer u one of those games Fez, Beatbuddy, Starseed Pilgrim plus one 1 TF2 Key for Battlefield 3.

1 decade ago

Hey Chaps2k2, thanks for the offer but I've to decline.

1 decade ago

i add you

1 decade ago

Thanks for the trade!

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.