I have...

Mount & Blade - 1 key
Mount & Blade: Warband - 2 keys
Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars (DLC) - 1 key
Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest Reforged Edition (DLC) - 2 keys
Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword - 1 key

Mount & Blade Full Collection (includes all above) - 5 keys

I want...

TF2/CSGO keys (any at normal price, I don't accept capsule keys for example)

http://steamcommunity.com/id/adrianovski/ - my profile

I can buy as many as you want. Those will be RoW, untradeable gifts that I will send to you. I could do a bulk discount probably, too.
You will go first with keys unless I have steam wallet and you have rep.

If my friends list is full, please comment on my profile and I will try to add you back

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.