I have quit the site. I will no longer be responding to reports, a new moderator will take my place soon.

Report those evil scammers or rule breakers you encounter here.

Please include the following in your report:

  • Their steam trades profile (If you have it)

  • Their steam info

  • A description of how they scammed you

  • Pictures of the chatlog/evidence/trade

Useful sites:

Imgur - For uploading images

Steamrep - For linking their steam info

Pastebin - For chatlogs

Steam Support - Report them here too


Backup of lost entries from Scammer List

Old thread for reference.

1 decade ago*

The Chat SS: http://e1207.hizliresim.com/z/k/9tgz0.jpg
The Paypal Payment which I do: http://e1207.hizliresim.com/z/k/9tfwn.png
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kehayad007

I don't know his steamtrades nick name.

I want to buy Dead Rising 2 + Dead Rising 2: Off the Record and DLCs. He added me on steam, and he said "I saw your thread on steamtrades." he wanted me 20 euros for this games and I sent him 20 euros via paypal. I trusted him because of his steam profile comments, but I didn't notice comment section is closed. He said "I didn't take any payment" and isn't talking to me now.

I cannot dispute on paypal because of gift selection. I wanted to pay fees, but I didn't know it will be a problem.

He is a scammer definitely. Could you handle this problem?

1 decade ago

Ask him to check his email. He may have to click a button there to accept payment.

1 decade ago

It appears steam is lagging right now, so once it's back up i'll check this report out.

edit: I banned him now.

1 decade ago

thank you.

1 decade ago

Found someone exploiting gamersgate permanent 15% discount codes.

Here's his thread which looks highly suspicious based on how many of these codes he's traded (for almost anything in some cases).

And here's where he admits it.

Was thinking about contacting Gamersgate as well.

1 decade ago

Thanks, banned.

1 decade ago

I have a guild with IGN Prime membership and my guild members is giving their keys to me if they dont use them, I'm trading those keys for something that my guild mates are interested (Sorry for bad english, I hope you can understand what I'm talking about)

1 decade ago

that was a sarcasm

1 decade ago

Kinda should have told me that when it mattered, now you'll have to give some proof.

1 decade ago

I swear I am never dealing with a key swapper again, I think this guy just scammed me, which makes no sense as he has so many games, and he will now get banned, damn idiots. His steam name is "Bańka". Basically he just posted a fake code and went offline after I had traded him a terraria. I will post the chatlogs shortly.

edited added link to chatlogs and profile
link: http://imgur.com/UJya6,amegh,ukRn4

1 decade ago

Now he has removed me from his friends and I can't seem to add him, it shows he is online though...

1 decade ago

He has already been reported.

1 decade ago

I just reported him too, I hope he gets banned!!!

1 decade ago

Can someone please add this guy on Steam and ask him whats up. he has +rep on other deals and I dunno why he decided to screw me. Someone please help me out here, this is so fustrating...

1 decade ago

He's already been banned here for awhile.

1 decade ago

Yet he is still operating freely on steam with 150+ games to his name? Wow steam really sucks doesn't it...

1 decade ago

Guys can you please link any info that pertains to this guy and previous scams, I wanna take this fucker down for real this time!

1 decade ago

NONONO! U using Internet Explorer? NOOOO!

1 decade ago

LOl wtf why?

1 decade ago

Hello. I have been scammed for PAYDAY:The Heist by this guy: http://steamcommunity.com/id/skootii
Proof: http://iv.pl/images/75468870746053027319.jpg

Please delete my -rep, because he add me -1 one again.

1 decade ago

Will be deleted.

1 decade ago

a guy scammed me 4 days ago. he want to trade his origin account with BF3 and few other games for 2 of my games..he went first and gave me the account.. but soon after i sent him the games he reset the email and password. i know it was my fault agreeing with him to trade, as account tarding is against the rule. but i wanted bf3 so bad..anyways i lost 2games and later he had tarded those 2 games with other people and had got 2 x REP+. i know cz he didn't had any rep when i traded with him.. and also the next day he had put a post again to trade the very same account he offerd me.so he was trying to scam other people also.. as i contacted EA support and got to know that, if you know the birth date u put when making the EA account u can reset email and pass. so that's how he scam people as he the only one know what he put as the b'day.
i've learned my lesson the hardway..

here's his steamtrade - http://www.steamtrades.com/user/NikitoNoetinger

his steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/nikitonoetinger87/

his new post to trade the account - http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/mNrQI/h-origin-account-with-battlefield-3-premium-and-5-more-games-w-offers

1 decade ago

I don't help with account scams.

1 decade ago

yeh but he got away with my Assassin creed brotherhood and Red alert 3.. i should have known better. no one would offer 200$ worth of account for 20$ worth of games.. stupid me :(

1 decade ago

this person stole a PAYDAY key and Dungeon defenders key here is the evidence
http://imgur.com/fvKI9 - chat

1 decade ago

That wasn't him himself, it was someone who has been impersonating him for the past week or tow.

1 decade ago

STEAMTRADES PROFILE - http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Sypro/page/1
He said that he will give me 7,50 EUROS for my Payday The Heist Key.
I said the key first,because he had 79 +REP.
After that he got the key and said that he sent me the a PayPal gift (7.50E)
I looked on my PAYPAL and still 0.50 Euros that I had :(
Now he doesn't respond on my messages!
Please help!

PROOF - http://imgur.com/a/EiIbc

1 decade ago

Paste his Steam profile URL. There have been a lot of impersonations lately.

1 decade ago

I have been scammed by him:
He recibed the key and disconect. He had a high rep and I trust him.
Now, I think that I cant do nothing because is a key and steam wont help me. Im wrong?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Once again, a paypal scammer. At first i tought everything is fine, then i asked for his steamtrades acc(rlly good thing that we got something as good as this) so he posted it. I tought it's clean, but then i saw that he's profile is private, but the guy he linked is public one. And the ID's were different. So yeah, fail scamm attempt.

btw, the profile opened on steam is scammers one. 2nd one on mozzila is the real guy. ;)
scammers id - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027081900/

picture, that explains everything, i think its enoug ;)

1 decade ago

Doesnt have an account here.

1 decade ago

i know, just wanted to be sure someone doesnt fall for his scamm ;)

1 decade ago

I know Freeze hes a legit trader, and that guy its just an imposter

1 decade ago

A guy impersonated sesepe and scammed me today for GTA Complete.

I know it's my fault as I was really greedy. I could've double checked the account, but he had the same nickname and avatar. I couldn't be arsed to check his last nicknames or at least profile which turned out to be private (obviously).

Also tracked down his second profile I think to which he probably pushed stolen GTA Complete.

Links to the profiles:

fake sesepe:

probably the second account:


He blocked any communication afterwards, here are logs:

sesepe: hey there
Dravic: Hello
sesepe: you have gta complete pack and darksiders for trade right?
Dravic: Yes

sesepe: alrighty

sesepe: i can offer you money, or you can choose 1, or a combo of these steam keys: AC:R, CIV5, Deus Ex: HR, Rage

Dravic: for both GTA Complete pack AND Darksiders?

Dravic: I already got Civ 5 + Deus Ex: HR, so we are talking about AC:R and Rage which I am NOT interested in.

Dravic: How about money?

sesepe: ah okay

sesepe: for both?

sesepe: or 1 of the 2

Dravic: You choose

sesepe: gta is 20 here, and darksiders is 14

sesepe: so for both=34 ill pay about 20

sesepe: for gta ill pay 12

sesepe: and darksiders i pay 5

Dravic: 20 dollars?

sesepe: yes for both right

Dravic: do you have PayPal?

sesepe: not one :P

sesepe: yes i do

sesepe: may i see your rep?

Dravic: actually, i dont have any rep because i am quite new to steam trading

Dravic: but i did a solid amount of trades during the winter holiday sale

Dravic: so i know how that works

sesepe: ah hmkay, well usually the one with the most rep can go second

sesepe: i have +48 rep at the moment

Dravic: i guess i have 0 :D

sesepe: hehe :P

Dravic: alright

sesepe: well you know when i do something thats not OK that all my rep is gone

sesepe: and thats not what i have build it up for xD

Dravic: i hope

sesepe: cmon you can trust me...

sesepe: well i see your on mobile?

Dravic: Actually I am on computer

Dravic: and i got a steam app running 24/7 on my mobile

sesepe: oh it says mobile here

sesepe: oh thats why :P

Dravic: (first smartphone, HTC Evo 3D EMEA version, YAY) :D

sesepe: LOL :P Nice!

sesepe: 3d?

sesepe: is it 3d?

Dravic: i dont care about 3d

Dravic: but yes it can display things in 3d

sesepe: you turn it off?

Dravic: actually it's not LG's 3D phone so my phone doesn't have a full-time 3D menu etc.

Dravic: you only see 3d if you wish in games and gallery

sesepe: oh okay, 3d hurts my eyes xD

Dravic: while watching 3d movies on your mobile (also on Youtube)

sesepe: really bad

sesepe: im getting dizzy of it :P

Dravic: but if you dont want you dont have to

Dravic: it's 100% optional

sesepe: thats nice

sesepe: good feature

sesepe: like 3ds

Dravic: and so i got 1gb ram and a solid processor etc.

Dravic: and the phone was CHEAP

Dravic: and i mean, 50$ for a dual core beast? yes it is 1 year old but who cares?

sesepe: how much if i may ask?

sesepe: 50 dollar?

Dravic: +D

Dravic: =D

sesepe: thats nothing for a phone xD

sesepe: good buy ;)

Dravic: thanks

sesepe: well done :P

Dravic: and if you are curious, yes, it is 100% new

Dravic: stock one

sesepe: waat

sesepe: did you buy it from a persone or shop

Dravic: shop

sesepe: what!!!

Dravic: with all the security

Dravic: :D

sesepe: thats crazy

sesepe: xD

Dravic: yes i am crazy

sesepe: hahehe

Dravic: :)

sesepe: so yeah

sesepe: where were we?

sesepe: the phone story blew off my mind :P

Dravic: I think... at 25$ for both Darksiders and GTA IV ;]

sesepe: ah right yes

sesepe: uh so you can go frist?

sesepe: first*

Dravic: yes i can go first

Dravic: but i got an idea

Dravic: let's say i will give you darksiders first

Dravic: then you send me some money

Dravic: then i trade you gta

Dravic: and you send rest of the money

sesepe: hmm

Dravic: I am first, you pay few dollars, i trade you GTA, you send the rest of money

Dravic: both of us are protected that way

sesepe: ah you mean that way

Dravic: yes

sesepe: how much money do i need to give then?

Dravic: 25$ total, right?

sesepe: yes

Dravic: so at first, let's say, 5-10$?

sesepe: if i need to pay first 10 the i want gta first...

Dravic: alright

sesepe: then its okay with me

Dravic: what's your nick on steamtrade?

sesepe: so first gta, then 10, then darksiders, then 15

Dravic: i'd like to see your rep

sesepe: the same

sesepe: http://www.steamtrades.com/user/sesepe

sesepe: 48

sesepe: as you can see

sesepe: 2 pages :)

Dravic: 0 negatives?

sesepe: im proud of it

sesepe: yes

Dravic: i'm going for it

sesepe: :)

sesepe: sure ;)

Dravic: do you want to know my paypal email?

sesepe: yes thats handy :P

Dravic: xD

Dravic: xxxxx

Dravic: better copy it without any mistakes :D

Dravic: xxxxx

sesepe: lol i did this many times before xD

Dravic: :D

sesepe: yes i copied and pasted it

sesepe: alright

sesepe: now as a gift

sesepe: les fees xD

sesepe: *less

sesepe: money incoming! Thanks ;)

Dravic: i'm waiting for the paypal

Dravic: did you send the money already?

Dravic: i'm wondering how fast can it go through

Dravic: sesepe?

Dravic: well yes, i shouldnt trade with you, scam for sure

Dravic: I trust people so easily

Dravic: ehh

Dravic: basically

Dravic: you impersonated sesepe

Dravic: who's a honest trader

Dravic: you are a real bitch, unless you will explain yourself

Twoje zaproszenie do wymiany zostało odrzucone przez użytkownika sesepe.

Twoje zaproszenie do wymiany zostało odrzucone przez użytkownika sesepe.

Didn't take pictures of the conversation but I can provide you screenshots of transaction:


1 decade ago

sorry for your game mate.now he change his profile name again.

steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53651178

steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067568084


steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067568084


1 decade ago

Looking at his aliases, loks like he's impersonated Sypro too.

1 decade ago

The number of impersonations happening lately is crazy.

1 decade ago

Now he is pretending Zoreslav.We have to warn him too.

1 decade ago

I don't know, I won't get my 7,49 euro back... Neither can I get GTA itself. FUUUUU...

We gotta do something, I don't know, reported him from his steam profile but I don't know if that will work.

1 decade ago

Use this steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067568084 when you reporting him.

1 decade ago


scammer, uses the profile name and picture of good trader with +80 reputation. BEWARE!

1 decade ago

He's been reported so many times.

1 decade ago

I thought I should get some opinions here, should we really be allowing the resale of these humble indie bundles, I mean its all just people who pay the bare minimum, then sell them to people for a profit. This is stealing from charity, and it kinda makes me sick tbo. The money from the sale of these bundles should all go to charity not greedy kids, I mean really? What do you guys think?

1 decade ago

You can discuss it in a different thread. This thread is for reports.

1 decade ago

will do

1 decade ago


remove my negative feedback from that scammer

1 decade ago

You are probably going to want to elaborate bit bit more than that...

1 decade ago

i gave him exact same feedback because he refused to to his profile on public and now he copied same negative feedback to me

1 decade ago

and he gaved me bad feedback with no reason

1 decade ago

DaBombMan is a cheater

1 decade ago

Elaborate, you have no credibilty with these one liners.

1 decade ago

he Shielded me,and now his steam name is ChuckNorris023

1 decade ago

Scammer, got screenies. He was MooMan at some point I think.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Scammer / Impersonator alert http://steamcommunity.com/id/anonycat/ he is inpersonating Anonycat at the moment, but I don't recognise the other alias's. The is the real Anonycat http://steamcommunity.com/id/nonamerchan/ notice they even have the dame profile pics! Just a headsup bros, watch out!!!

1 decade ago

Good Day please help.

I entered a trade with this person and they promised me a key and never traded it and I ended up giving them 2 Games - Super Street Fighter and Dogfighter and they never gave me the key. They then left the chat and removed me from friends.

Their STEAM Account is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ninjazois213/

Below is chatlog:

Never tell your password to anyone.
Friday, July 20, 2012
7:58 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: hi
7:58 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: how can i help ya ?
7:58 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: hi
7:58 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: im interested in trading
7:58 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: what would u like ot trade ?
7:59 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: i would like Sniper elite v2
7:59 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: i have that]
7:59 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: what do u have to offer
7:59 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheshauNhogaN/inventory/
7:59 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: i have quite a lot
7:59 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: of games
7:59 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: and TF2 items
7:59 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: what would u give me for it
7:59 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: to offer
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: do u have the Sniper Elite V2 and DLC ?
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: or just the game on its own
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ?
8:00 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: yes
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ok
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: well i would be willing to offersuper street fighter for it
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: or nexuiz
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: or whatever
8:00 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: u must just shout
8:00 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: street fighter sounds good
8:01 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ok coool
8:01 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: mine is a key, so would you momd going first? I have the rep to back it up
8:01 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: is it a steam key
8:01 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ?
8:01 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: yes
8:01 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ok can u explain how keys work
8:01 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: u buy it from somewhere else ?
8:01 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: yea sure
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: in teh bottom left of the main screen
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: do you see where it says add a game?
8:02 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: nahi know how to add games :]
8:02 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: i just need to know where u get the key ?
8:02 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: :]
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: oh
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: lol
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: amazon
8:02 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: like did u buy it retai l ?
8:02 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: oh ok
8:02 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: i understand
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: i buy them on sale and then trade with pepole
8:02 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: people*
8:03 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ok so u would like me to snd u the game 1st ?
8:03 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: yes please if you do not mind
NunchuckSuperstar has accepted your request to trade.
8:04 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: heres the first half of the key
8:04 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: 27D2A-2SDQQ-E5THT
8:04 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: if u want the other half
8:04 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: give me dogfight
8:04 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: other half of what ?
8:05 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: the key is invalid
8:05 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: of cd key
8:05 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: yes
8:05 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: ok
NunchuckSuperstar has accepted your request to trade.
8:05 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: 27D2A-2SDQQ-E5T
8:06 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: if you want the last quarter of key
8:06 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: give me something else
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: man i feel robbed
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: :|
8:06 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: sorry
8:06 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: up to you
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: and uhad good rep and all
8:06 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: ill leave right now if u give nothing
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: i give u another thing
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: and uask
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: for more
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: and then another
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: and more
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: and another and more
8:06 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: :|
8:06 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: ill leave right now
8:07 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: if u dont give me something else
8:07 AM - hogaN[sh0gan.com]: what would lu like ?
8:07 AM - NunchuckSuperstar: surprise me

1 decade ago

Oh that chat log looks horrible formatted - I have reported it to valve and steamrep.com already.

1 decade ago

How Does one had pictures and Text files ?

1 decade ago

can you remove my negative feedback

it was given unfair

1 decade ago

Can you not make a post every 2 hours about it? Can you show any proof he scammed you?

1 decade ago

he did scammed me

he gaved my negative feedback for no reason

just because i call him scammer because he refused to set his profile on public or friends only

1 decade ago

So you called him a scammer because his profile wasn't public but he didn't scam you?

1 decade ago

he contacted me for a trade

i said i like the deal and then i asked him to put his profile on public to see if he has trust worthy account

he refused to that so i said to him that hes probably a scammer cuz the only reason he wont do that is because he has something to hide

he gaved me negative feedback for no reason with false acusations

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pure22 this is the acccount he contacted me from

those are his alternative accounts :



1 decade ago

can you reply to me too pls?

1 decade ago


This guy have sended me on steam this msg:

"Community (2) Steam Offer You Free Games On Your Steam Account , Just Login And Choose Your GAME ! : http://www.steamcommunityoffers.somee.com/storepowered/steam/choosegame/8713N7/confirmation/succes/index.htm"


1 decade ago

Remove the link please.

1 decade ago

i received message from that guy aswell

1 decade ago




scammed me sadly enough. was clean though on steamrep

he changed his profile to private now + the name of the profile

1 decade ago

No account here.

1 decade ago

Steamtrades profile: none

Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067572370

How he tried to scam me: Offered me money or Sniper Elite V2 for my Batman: Arkham city key. He got rep on his profile but the steam accounts who gave him rep have no games or friends. You can read the chatlog for yourself.

Steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067572370

Proof: http://imgur.com/a/LD5fr

Pastebin chatlog: http://pastebin.com/3QSsm3Pz

1 decade ago

No account here.

1 decade ago

He keep changing names and avatars all the time.

1 decade ago

Watch out for new users - http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/1761/scammerdy.jpg

He probably changed his ID multiple times, because his profile link does not work anymore - http://steamcommunity.com/id/dashizz/

People will do anything to steal games.

1 decade ago

Need his static ID.

1 decade ago


scammer pretends to be other person .links other prifiles of good feedback ppl. ban him thanks.

1 decade ago

No account here.

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/id/dashizz - this is scrammer, he don't send me webmoney. I sell CIV 5, for 5WMZ, when i send gift, he began to say what he thought would be three copies of the game, I was asked to return my game back, he refused and removed me from your friends. To me my friend was connected via teamviewer, who took it all on video, video lay out later.

1 decade ago

Guy been changing names. WATCH THE FUCK OUT FOR THIS GUY. he just changed his name to BoxManDude from KleenexDude. Took off wih my trine 2 without giving me game key

1 decade ago

he just tried to scam me a few mins ago too :/ that sucks man.

1 decade ago

Steam profile url Link tried to make me go first and then he'd me pay via paypal, he had 3 pages worth of +rep on his page, but had only 1 game, and alot of aliases (soz didn't get them) Chat log
EDIT: Aliases: SpasticBunnyTailz

1 decade ago

steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53653321

steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067572370


steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067572370

you can track him now if he change his name

1 decade ago


  1. Check if the trader has good rep on his steamtrades profile, steam profile means nothing because they can delete their comments. If they don't have a steamtrades profile, don't deal with them.
  2. Check how often they change their aliases, if there are too many, they are probably a scammer
  3. Never let anyone with a key tell you that you need to go before them, as they have more rep. If you have a tradeable item, the key needs to be activated before you give them the item from your inventory!
1 decade ago

Even more, on steam profile they can easily set up 10 accounts or more and post fake comments. No problems whatsoever with that.

And then victims usually don't double check every comment on the steam profile...

1 decade ago

Someone just tried to scam me, but I didn't fall for it. I have proof.

Scammer: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ibug798/
Chatlog: http://imgur.com/Zt22D

1 decade ago

Have his current profile?

1 decade ago

I wish I did, wasn't sure how to deal with scans. I reported him to Steam at the time, hopefully that will stop him.

1 decade ago



As you can see, he tried to pretend to have rep, using fake accounts to +rep him, all the accounts had only him as a friend, no games and registered on the day they made the profile.

Pretty obvious scam, but not many people would think to check these things.

1 decade ago

Have a link to his current profile?

1 decade ago

Sorry, I pretty much deleted and forgot about it, it looks like he's going on a rampage on this site though.
(been away for a few days..)
It might be a good idea if someone request him make a steamtrades.com account and make a comment or somethign on the traders profile, something like that. Idk
Hope you figure out a way to deal with him.
I saw him on steamrep, here.: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067572370

Here's a cached page of my report to steamrep (website won't load for me)

He must have just changed the custom url of the steam profile, luckily I found his 32 and 64 bit id.

1 decade ago


http://steamcommunity.com/id/SKATANN/ and
he change nickname caution

I trade Stalker for MW3 key but he gave me wrong key then off

chatlog : http://blog.naver.com/rlghd2549/100162905687

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

thx a lot

1 decade ago

One of my friend just got scammed out of Nation Red.

This guy added him and offered Dungeon Defenders KEY. After getting Nation Red he went offline.

Screenshot says it all

Victim: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040600048

Scammers identity:

steamID: granatos ziedas

steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52642842

steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065551412

customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ziedelis

steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065551412

1 decade ago

Wow, the scammer has 10 accounts here. Thanks.

1 decade ago

That's amazing. why does he need 10 accounts here? I suppose for scamming.

Is he going to bet banned?

1 decade ago

Yeah, they are all permabanned.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Watch for "PillowMaster", suspicious...

1 decade ago

He is a confirmed scammer, tried to scam me and scammed a guy few posts up link to his profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067572370

1 decade ago

Yup, tried to scam me also when under the name "FlyingBomber". Tried to rep himself on his profile with 13 alts made in ten minutes.

1 decade ago

That's a nice little scammer, he offered me a really good deal and I agreed. I asked him to buy me ARMA 2 CO he didn't agree and said he would send me the money directly through paypal. he showed me his rep which is actually another user in the same name and same picture.
I called out he is a lier, he disconnected. proof: http://i.imgur.com/7FQv7.png his porfile (Private of course):http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027081900
The real guy profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/igores07

1 decade ago

He's currently impersonating SniperEdis.

1 decade ago

This user http://www.steamtrades.com/user/Arnil just -repped me with comment "untrusted unpolite russian liar". This confuses me for two reasons: 1) I never traded/bought/sold to him 2) I am not russian, not even close, I am at the US store and reside in South africa.

I would like help with this please as that -1 is really making me sad and I have no idea what he is mad about.

1 decade ago

Will be removed, he's banned.

1 decade ago

link to the image http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/826/51290527.png/
thats the only thing that i got i trade with him Lead and Gold and he offerd me a cd-key of pay day that not working and now hes not answer and his profile open for friends only whats means that he deleted me

1 decade ago

If you came a couple of hours earlier here, you'd see that: "He is a confirmed scammer, tried to scam me and scammed a guy few posts up link to his profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067572370". Watch deano546 's post a couple of hours ago, prevented you from getting scammed.

1 decade ago

but what can i do i want my game back

1 decade ago

No profile.

1 decade ago

Steam Names: SpasticBunnyTailz,MagicBunnyTail, MagicDoubleRainbow, FishFryOnTheRocks, BoxManCube, PillowMaster, GoldRoger, ElmerFuddman, SharkArlong67, FlashGordan64

Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jhsalo3ddpklsc/

Photo of Steam Trade: http://i45.tinypic.com/aowbxj.jpg

Story: I had posted a trade on this website and later I get a Steam friend invitation from a guy named "PillowMaster". Through a Steam Chat (Sorry I closed the chat before opening this page), the guy was interested in my Terraria game and was going to give a Dungeon Defenders Complete through a CD-Key, he claimed. At first I believed him and checked out his steam profile to see if he was reputable like he said and there were many comments on his profile with "Rep +". I quickly believed his honesty and he asked if I could give him the Terraria first and then he would give me the key. I asked for the key first and he said no. Later after a few requests for the key first, he put (what was supposed to be) half of the key and after I would give him Terraria, He will give me the rest of the key. I was idiotic and I believed him and gave him the game. Afterwards, he wouldn't give me Dungeon Defenders like he promised and I persistently asked him for my Terraria back as I knew it was a scam. He wouldn't accept my trade requests and he quickly blocked me from Steam. I hope you will understand the situation.

1 decade ago

Hmm, that guy just shot me a friend request. I checked out the people who rep'd his profile and only two ( the most recent two) look legit.

His Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067572370

Anyway, I had a talk with him and the only thing that was funny was that he offered Paypal for my Dark Souls on the condition that I give him my game first. I declined given that I have a lot more rep than he does and he told me to go through his inventory instead.

1 decade ago

What do you mean by Legit? I can't view his profile anymore because I was blocked.

1 decade ago

Legit as in they look like real people and not alts.

13/15 commenters on his profile have no games, only one friend (him, obviously), and were created on July 19 2012. Also, his own account was created July 18 2012 and has 2 games (Shadowgrounds and DOW2 Retribution). Clearly fishy.

The funny thing is that even though he blocked you, he still has you on his friend's list. O_o

1 decade ago

Yeah ok I deleted him...I don't want him on my friends list anymore. So this guy is a scammer?

1 decade ago

No profile here.

1 decade ago

He means this guy doesn't have a profile on the steamtrades.com

1 decade ago

steamID: Zealot
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32650364
steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025566457
steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025566457


I was offering the arma 2 co, and the guy was offering me the witcher 2 tradeable wtih max payne 3 key but when we did the exchange, the guy is disconnected and give me witcher 2 (ru)

1 decade ago

No profile.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Scammer alert!


He just changed his name from DasBootmen to SirLancelot and made his profile private.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

9:22 PM - DasBootmen: hello

9:23 PM - MikkleThePickle: hi

9:23 PM - MikkleThePickle: how are you?

9:23 PM - DasBootmen: i got DA: O UE

9:23 PM - MikkleThePickle: cool!

9:23 PM - DasBootmen: Im good how are you

9:23 PM - MikkleThePickle: what would you like for it?

9:23 PM - MikkleThePickle: good thanks :)

9:23 PM - DasBootmen: your PoP complete

9:24 PM - MikkleThePickle: oh, sorry

9:24 PM - MikkleThePickle: I think you have it backwards, I'm looking for PoP complete

9:24 PM - DasBootmen: lucky for you i also have that :)

9:25 PM - MikkleThePickle: oh cool

9:25 PM - DasBootmen: what do you have

9:25 PM - MikkleThePickle: Dragon Age Origins Ultimate

9:25 PM - MikkleThePickle: Serious Sam 3

9:25 PM - MikkleThePickle: The Darkness II

9:25 PM - DasBootmen: ill take DA: O UE

9:26 PM - MikkleThePickle: ok

9:26 PM - MikkleThePickle: do you have steamtrades account?

9:26 PM - DasBootmen: no, sorry, but i have rep on my page

9:27 PM - MikkleThePickle: ok

9:27 PM - DasBootmen: just to let you know, mine is a cd key

9:27 PM - DasBootmen: but can be activated with steam

9:28 PM - MikkleThePickle: hmm

9:28 PM - MikkleThePickle: where is the key from?

9:28 PM - DasBootmen: amazon

9:29 PM - DasBootmen: it was a limited promotion and do not sell the key anymore

9:29 PM - MikkleThePickle: ok

9:30 PM - MikkleThePickle: sorry, too risky for me

9:30 PM - MikkleThePickle: I don't like key trades in the first place, and your account is 3 days olsd

9:30 PM - MikkleThePickle: old

9:30 PM - DasBootmen: kk, up to you

9:30 PM - MikkleThePickle: I also can't find anything about Amazon having this pack, ever

9:30 PM - DasBootmen: cya then

9:31 PM - MikkleThePickle: yeah, that just confirms you are a scammer

DasBootmen is now Offline.

1 decade ago

Dragon Age is an EA game. There are no Steam keys for any EA games. Definitely a scamming bastard.

1 decade ago

No profile here

1 decade ago

Requesting a SteamRep.com "Caution" mark (or maybe a "Scammer" mark if possible) for this profile. Definitely deserves a Caution at least. Here's the original thread, scroll all the way down for the details.

"Tried pretending my magicka key didn't work so I can give him back his TF2 keys."

1 decade ago

He's already reported as a scammer above.

1 decade ago

Oh LOL. Kid's getting around.

1 decade ago

No profile here. Also I don't have the ability to change steamrep marks, you have to go do that yourself on steamrep.

1 decade ago

Schizophrenia/Pyromaniac wanted a Battlefield 3 Premium key for Batman Franchise. Sent the code, then the scammer went offline. Funny thing is, the scammer is a fellow Filipino. Shows the world what we really are made of.

Ok. Not really sure what his Id is but here's a pic of the transaction

Screenshot of the log: http://imgur.com/ocmQz

Translation of the log: http://pastebin.com/2YPyewUT

Here's the profile screenshot:: http://imgur.com/i4oxO

Here's the link to this profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Schizophrenia1/

steamID: Pyromancer

steamID32: STEAM_0:1:51283971

steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062833671


steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062833671

1 decade ago

No profile here.

1 decade ago

yeah. poop. just warning you guys.

1 decade ago

I would like to report SirLancelot he offered me a Black Ops 2 key for Max Payne 3, and refused to go first (I then refused the deal of course) when i suggested a middle man he became hostile saying I "could go f*ck myself" before going offline. He currently has no reports but his account looks suspicious, being 5 years old but having only 5 games. He also has a large number of aliases (SpasticBunnyTailz
MagicBunnyTail, MrKingley, SirLancelot, DasBootmen, PillowMaster, GoldRoger, ElmerFuddman, SharkArlong67, FlashGordan64)

If anyone gets scammed by him please report it.

1 decade ago

Look right above your post :D

1 decade ago

lol He strikes again! This is his real profile, though.

1 decade ago

No profile here.

1 decade ago

Lol i look the kickme22 history and its the same person .-.

1 decade ago

steamID: Jimmy "CuntDestroyer" Green
steamID32: STEAM_0:1:25418924
steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011103577
customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Robo-bo
steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198011103577


He posted that he can help with buying games. After trade he just deleted me.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Thank you.

1 decade ago

http://steamcommunity.com/id/xealot03125/ is a scammer, he said he had 2x Arma 2 CO for my Max Payne 3 he claimed 1 was a key, and 1 was a tradeable
he traded one for MP3 then went offline

chat log: Zealot: hi
Kickme22: Hi
Kickme22: you have arma 2?
Zealot: I have wargame european escalation steam key
Kickme22: no thanks
Zealot: oh wrong guy lol
Kickme22: lol
Zealot: you are wrong guy I also got arma
Kickme22: wait.........you want Max Payne 3?
Zealot: http://steamcommunity.com/id/zealot0312/inventory#753_1_1729632165776696641
Zealot: yes
Kickme22: and do you have 2x arma 2?
Zealot: I have 1 tradeable copy and 1 key
Kickme22: oh.........just wargame key and arma 2 co
Kickme22: :/
Zealot: what
Kickme22: I would prefer to get 2x arma 2........
Kickme22: ?
Zealot: thats what I meant...
Kickme22: you have an arma 2 CO key?
Zealot: I got 1 tradeable arma CO and 1 arma II co steam key
Zealot: yes
Kickme22: ok.....checking ur rep
Kickme22: ;D
Zealot: k
Zealot: wait
Zealot: is it row?
Kickme22: yes
Zealot: okay good
Kickme22: k......you seem safe, any chance of throwing in something else small since one is a key?
Zealot: ._.
Kickme22: portal 2?
Zealot: no sorry
Kickme22: k
Zealot: my offer stands at 2 armas
Kickme22: since I have more rep than you could you provide the key first?
Kickme22: (or if you want, middleman?)
Zealot: no sorry and I got another offer too
Zealot: we can do trade first with my arma Ii tradeable and then I give key
Kickme22: k
Zealot: I can show you where I got the key if you want
Zealot has accepted your request to trade.
Kickme22: are you sure the key works on steam?
Zealot: yes
Zealot: wait a sec
Kickme22: k
Zealot: https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version
Zealot: got it on sale
Kickme22: hehe
Kickme22: key?
Zealot is now Offline.

1 decade ago

Can you please stop posting chatlogs like that? Please pastebin them or something because that formatting is terrible.

1 decade ago


cant tell if fake russian or dirty russian. USA ALL DAY. back on track this guy took forever so I was able to get his ip (dont ask) never trade over a unsecured network hehe

Chat: Chat

Here's what happen I asked a dirty russian to buy a game. he said he'll give it for csgo but I needed to go first so I did. You know the rest :)

Account: Account

1 decade ago

Read above. That's the dick that scammed my friend.

1 decade ago

k... Doesnt even make sense in the chat lol

1 decade ago

To make it real easy he said he'll get game once I give csgo. Gave csgo removes/delete off friends list. Easy enough?

1 decade ago

Already banned all his accounts here.

1 decade ago

I've been scammed by this guy: http://steamcommunity.com/id/idji239dh2kjd1/

He had lots of rep so, after a little bargaining about it, I went first in the trade... he procceeded to only give me half of an alleged key for Arma 2: CO. Is there anyway I might get my stuff back? Already made a report on Steam about what happened :\

ScreenCaps: http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/3914/scammerp.png

I feel sick right now, scammed out of Borderlands GOTY & Garry's Mod

1 decade ago

Already changed his profile name.

1 decade ago

Yep, I noticed it.

EDIT: And he just deleted the profile, gosh darn it. Or maybe just changed URL

1 decade ago

Found him.

steamID: LalaLanda
steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53653321
steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067572370
steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198067572370

No profile here.

1 decade ago

It's him alright, tried to add him on my steam and I was blocked. Anything else I should do?

Thanks for your help, btw.

1 decade ago

How did you find him ?

1 decade ago

http://i.imgur.com/ZykVI.png - chat ss
profile - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Aaskdasmda/
i think this is enough

1 decade ago

Hey, is that code BF3 Premium?

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

u lost a premium code. and fr mw3? mw3 doesnt worth it

1 decade ago

I didnt even get mw3 cause he told me that he will buy it after I give him my code

1 decade ago

This guy : http://steamcommunity.com/id/jfklwfl12/
He is stealing, he stole my two copies of Terraria, saying that he will give me an Arma II cd-key.
Don't trust the comments on his steam wall, they are obviously false.

1 decade ago

Get his static profile URL, you gave the custom one which he can easily change.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.