I have...

All values are the 75% of prices that you can find on gg.deals:

  • Poker Night at the Inventory - 50€ or equivalent trade
  • Poker Night 2 - 51€ or equivalent trade
  • Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - 52€ or equivalent trade
  • Jurassic Park: The Game - 38€ or equivalent trade
  • Back to the Future: The Game - 28€ or equivalent trade
I want...


For game trade or Paypal the calculation is the following:
Lowest price you can find on the market - 15%

I do not trade with TF2, CS, etc... keys.

6 months ago*

All (without extra poker copy) 130 EUR
All (with extra poker 1 copy) 160 EUR

If you dont want sell all one time... Im very interested in Game of Thrones 30 EUR

6 months ago

Instead of 50% off from the current market prices try something like 10-15%.

6 months ago

Game of Thrones is now 53 EUR but price last week was 40 EUR. Its hard pay now more than 30 EUR (for GOT) on Steamtrades. Anyway good luck and sorry for the offer but for buying all-in-time Id need close to 50%. Its not a joke offer, it is often in whole offers.

Buying keys to EUR is often 50%-70% discount against price on gg.deals shops.

6 months ago*

Use this site to price your games https://gg.deals/game/poker-night-at-the-inventory/

6 months ago*

Thank you for your tip.
I have already checked a few site, before a put my games here, so yeah, antoniogmad offers is a joke in this regards.

6 months ago

Well people didn't like me helping out
The irony that this comment comes on my post immediately after I left one on yours to warn you...
Someone... here is upset they didn't lowball you ;)


6 months ago

Perhaps you dont like receive same tips on your post... perhaps upset because you wanted avoid lowballing here and lowball adding directly on steam chat, your tactic is very famous, a lot of people knows you.

My offer 30 EUR for GOT is higher to any your offers with delisted games

6 months ago

I never offered him anything lol
and I'm not offering anything for any of the games.

Nor did I add the guy, you're just pathetic.

besides that message was directed to him to help him price his games since he hasn't been active on steamtrades, not to you.
Never confronted you nor did I engage with you.

OP called your offer a joke (I didn't)... rightfully so...

Lets take a look at it

You offered him "All (without extra poker copy) 130 EUR"

These are the market prices at the moment
Poker Night at the Inventory 62eur
Poker Night 2 66eur
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series 52eur
Jurassic Park: The Game 28eur
Back to the Future: The Game 27eur
That's 253 euros in total to which your offer for 130euro for all these games is a joke...

Don't accuse me of adding him and lowbaliing without any proof.
I understand your upset but don't throw accusations at me.

@antoniogmad you already have a valid -rep for redeeming a key you already traded with someone and not giving them a replacement.
It's kind of hypocritcal to call me out with those accusations when you have proven to commit them in your own -rep

I don't want things to go further especially when you're throwing false accusations at me and using your alts/friends to spread misinformation and hijack my personal trade posts.

I have nothing against you, nor do I want things to escalate.
I hope you drop the fragil ego and come right.

I'm just going to end it off by posting this guide.

May you have a great weekend ahead

6 months ago*

If you want help him.... make a better offer or shut your mouth.

He have a 200-300 leftlovers games and he want sell all and dont lose the time styding each price, history price, etc ((time is money).

So it is more useful a first mine offer 300 EUR for all than all your hater interested samaritan tips. My offer is public, here and any can see it and improve it and he is adult for waiting the offer he want. (You do all your lovballing offers hidden)

Remove your santa claus mask. Make you have a great weekend.

6 months ago

You're such a sore and pathetic loser man xD

Why are you so upset about losing out on a trade.
The OP literally told you to piss off and doesn't want to trade with you.
That's not my fault.

Maybe next time don't give shit offers so people actually want to trade with you.

Now please move on with your miserable life where losing out on 123euro profit has driven you to toxicity.

Bye Broken English Guy...

6 months ago*

Added for trade

4 months ago

Closed 1 month ago.