I could be overreacting, but I think he was trying to scam me. He's had steam for 2 years (tons of different names, although most of them keep 'kevin'), but only 5 or 6 games. Which seems weird to me if he's offering me keys for new/good games for my cheap and shitty ones. Also, the only 'rep' he has is on his steam profile from people with the same clan-tag as him and some with the same profile picture.


here's his URL

I figured I'd post this so if he was trying to scam me, which I'm pretty sure he was, you guys could avoid him if he tried to do it to you too.

Oh and, he doesn't have a steamtrades profile so no rep, and randomly added me even though in my thread I put "don't add me unless I say to or i add you". So. lol

1 decade ago*

He probably is.

1 decade ago

Bump! http://pastebin.com/3EK9ungg
He tried to "scam" me too? Not sure. thank u xAFBx for this thread. :)

1 decade ago

See below.

1 decade ago

He IS scammer, already reported, don't trade with him.

I didn't even have to check his profile, because your description is pretty obvious.

1 decade ago

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.