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Write a message here before adding me. I won't accept friend requests from private profiles if they don't write a message here before.


  1. You have to know that someone impersonated me and scammed users on Discord. Besides I don't have a Discord account I DO NOT TRADE OUTSIDE OF STEAM AND STEAMTRADES, so if someone is trying to trade with you outside of Steam and Steamtrades definitely that's not me and he/she is trying to scam you. If I want to trade with you and I've send you a friend request on Steam, I will always message you on Steamtrades and/or Steam if your profile allows comments . Please, be careful.
  2. Be careful with Boero. I've known from another user that he is harrassing users who have games to trade and are representing some kind of rivalry for his interests or the interests of his friends that also are trading games. I was harrassed by him a few years ago, and after a period of silence he has come back again:
  3. Beware with scammer emiryatiz (Nixe on Steam). He owes me 2 CS:GO keys and doesn't accept my friend requests to talk with him. I recommend you don't accept any friend request or trade offer from him.
  4. Careful with Lysander7 (trenzalore on Steam). Confirmed SJW and dangerous harasser. Also he/she has a smurf account. How do I know is a smurf account? Just after I answered in the thread I'm linking you, Gallifrey931 messaged me in two of my trade topics. I took a look to his/her Steam profile and this is what I got before he/she turned the account into private. Take a look to the friendlist and look who commented in his/her profile: https://imgur.com/uWfMKQx
  5. I discovered an impersonator who scammed user Akwolf a few years ago, luckily it seems this impersonator profile doesn't exist anymore: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RamonAshiIbume

You can find my real Steam profile clicking on my Steamtrades name and then clicking on 'Visit Steam profile', under my feedback.

My Steam profile is lvl 85, I have 763 games, +8900 achievements unlocked and my profile ain't private. Be careful.

5 years ago*

I have starfield premium edition, Do u have anything else to add to elden ring?

7 months ago

I'm afraid I'm not, sorry.

7 months ago

Closed 7 months ago.