I have...
I want...
  • 1 CSGO Key per bundle

Add me up!

7 years ago*


7 years ago

Uhm, wasn't your BudleStars Dollar Bundle available for 1 $. Why do you sell it for 1 CSGO key (2 $+) then? ;)
Btw. I answered your question here: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/h3xJy/h-tf2-keys-w-csgo-keys#JxvDeoQ

7 years ago*

for people who buy 20 games for a key :) like this :D

7 years ago

You could have offered 2 bundles for 1 CSGO key, no? Would be the same value as one CSGO key.

7 years ago*

the guy is offering for atleast 20:1, i gave 26:1. why would i give 2 if he offers for 1? Look its quiet obvious that you got angry that I called you out. But please use logic when u want to argue mate.

7 years ago

JFYI the difference between TF2 and CSGO keys is ~10 %. You want a 100+ % markup for the Dollar Bundle on the other hand.
It's really funny to call people with double standards out by asking the same kind of questions in the same way they do. Now guess who is getting angry that I asked those questions? :D (It's not me). Anyway have a nice day.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.