I have...

2 copies of RollerCoaster Tycoon World Deluxe Edition from the Amazon glitch yesterday
I paid taxes too (which made my price go up to around 6.50€), so 2 CS:GO keys wouldn't be a fair offer for me, unfortunately...

I want...

Offers (2 CS:GO keys wouldn't be a fair offer for me, but feel free to offer anything more than that if you're so inclined to)

Sorry for the "bad" trade offer, it's really all I can do right now.

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

I'd trade it for the Narnia: Prince Caspian gift, but I'm not sure if you'd be up for it... it'd be an unfair trade for you, I think.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.