
3 TF2 Keys

Looking for any GOOD Steam Gift Offer sent by this

Trade Offer Link>>>http://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=39820212&token=M-Kf2ISw


Post below, you may or may not get any feedback...

DON'T ADD ME I will add you or accept the trade offer if I am interested in your offer ....

1 decade ago*

Offering Outlast (GIFT) for 3 keys.

1 decade ago

Hi, I sent an offer previously for Sleeping Dogs (2 keys), I could do 1.5 if you're interested (can't send a trade offer since you don't have 0.5key. I could give change though.)

1 decade ago

thank for the offer, but prefer to get the full pack...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.