I have...
I want...
  • Cities: Skylines DLC:

    1. Sunset Harbor
    2. Campus
    3. Art Deco
  • Steve Jackson's Sorcery!—The Complete Collection:

    1. Sorcery! Parts 1 & 2
    2. Sorcery! Part 3
    3. Sorcery! Part 4

Whispers of a Machine

⚠️                                                                                                               ⚠️

⠀I don't send friend requests due to impersonation scams.⠀If we agree here to trade, you may add me on Steam.

⚠️                                                                                                               ⚠️
  • I have bought or claimed everything you see here myself, from within Canada. These are my leftovers from bundles or past giveaways. I am not for-profit and will not exchange with for-profit traders. I am not interested in keys sourced from unauthorized websites.
  • Humble Bundle Gift Links are usually available; please inquire.
1 year ago*

Can I trade for your copy of we were here together?

Whispers of a Machine + a tf2 key for it?

If not, then could you give a counter offer?

1 year ago*

Closed 1 year ago.