I want...

With 1 CSGO key you can get 35 sets
With 1 TF key you can get 17 sets
With 1 CSGO key you can get 20 foil sets
With 1 TF key you can get 9 foil sets

Easy, Fast and Cheap Way to Level Up!

Our service offers you Ready-To-Craft trading card sets at low prices.
You don’t need to spend time on choosing sets and sending offers. Just let us know what you want and we’ll take care of the rest.
Our smart bot will choose for you only those sets you have not crafted yet. And will help you calculate the amount of sets you need.
We accept almost all CS:GO and TF2 keys, gems and any extra random cards. We don’t sell anything for real money.

Level Up in one click!

Just send a trade offer by using one of these links. In a few seconds, you’ll have a new trade offer.
This feature works without adding a bot as a friend. Don’t add anything to the offer.

If something went wrong, and you didn’t receive a trade offer, use chat mode.

Chat mode. How to Use?

Add bot to your friends list. Using chat, type the command you need:

Information: .
Level [your dream level] Calculate how many card sets you need to reach a specific level.
Check Check how many uncrafted card sets are available for you.
Check [amount of keys] Check how many you can buy with a specific amount of keys.
Rates Show current prices.
Keylist Show all tradeable keys.
Rank Check your worldwide level rank.
Rank [1-100] Check who takes a specific place on leaderboard.
En / Ru / Cn Switch language.
Buy: .
Buy [amount of keys] Buy card sets for CS:GO keys.
BuyTF [amount of keys] Buy card sets for TF2 keys.
BuyGems [amount of sets] Buy card sets for gems.
BuyFoil [amount of sets] Buy foil card sets for CS:GO keys.
BuyFoilTF [amount of keys] Buy foil card sets for TF2 keys.
BuyFoilGems [amount of sets] Buy foil card sets for gems.
Swap 🅽🅴🆆 Swap all your extra random cards for full card sets.
SwapFoil 🅽🅴🆆 Swap all your extra random cards for full foil card sets.

What is Swap?

Your inventory filled with extra random cards? Swap all your cards for full sets which you have not crafted yet!

You’ll get 90% for your cards, e.g. 10 ready to craft sets for your 11 sets in any cards.
Foil cards are used in Swap will be calculated at a special rate.


If you still have questions, visit the FAQ page.

5 years ago*


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

No paypal :(?

4 years ago*

Hi! Sorry, I do not accept PayPal.

4 years ago

Wait you can level up faster?

4 years ago

how many gems for 1 set ?

4 years ago

Added you man

4 years ago

I dont like your Bot lol. Please answer me on steam

4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.