I have...

Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) [removed keys or removed gems]

Also have a Just Cause 4 Discount code for 25 % off on GreenManGaming.
-22 USD off, resulting in a final price of 67 USD for the Gold Edition.
-17 USD off, resulting in a final price of 51 USD for the Deluxe Edition.
-15 USD off, resulting in a final price of 44 USD for the Base Game.
Offer as much as you like for this code(if interested) and we will see.

I want...

Listed prices or reasonable counter-offers.

I'm not going first, no exceptions.
HB-Gift Links are possible for all of the above listed games.

6 years ago*

https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/TjrN6/ for
Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)


6 years ago

I want to thank you for your offer, but I couldn't find anything of my interest. Sorry!

6 years ago

Last Day of June for Life is Strange Complete.

6 years ago

Sorry but I'm not trading Life is Strange for it , if there's something else you'd like to pick, I'll be glad to hear it.

6 years ago*

Nothing, sorry. :(

6 years ago

How about removed ?

6 years ago*

sorry I have that one on a pending trade, anything else to catch your eye?

6 years ago

Hmm, unfortunately no :(

6 years ago

6 years ago

Hello friend,
I have searched the list, and unfortunately, I didn't find anything that would suit my interest... Sorry :(

6 years ago

Unfortunately I don't think I can find anything fair for you to exchange with me :(
The title that would be the closest to my interest is removed, but I think that is more expensive than all my games combined.
Thank you for your offer anyway!

6 years ago*

Hi Emil any games from here that you do not own that you might be interested in trading for your Life is Strange giftlink? Trades do not need to be 1:1 for most games. By the way you games and wishlist is set to private so no one knows what you have.

6 years ago

Hello Spellbindinggnome! It's weird, I set everything to Public long ago and left it like that. I didn't expect that to change, maybe it was in an update. I hope I corrected it now.
I am just mildly interested in Mini Metro, but I wouldn't trade Life is Strange for it and there are no other games that I want in that list. Sorry, brother.
Thank you for dropping by and for the info! :)

6 years ago

Yea I forget exactly when but there was a steam update a few months back that defaults everyone's games played and wishlist to friends only. I can see everything now so you should be fine until steam decides they want to do another update. No problem at all about the trade it's understandable. If anything changes I will hit you back up. Thanks for the reply and best of luck with the trades.

6 years ago

Something for Guns of Icarus Alliance?

6 years ago

hello! i'm not interested in that title, sorry !

6 years ago

500 gems for black the fall

6 years ago

I don't know what to say to you, honestly.
The price is listed and you offer half of it.
What do you expect, truly?
I'm not in a rush to sell, so thank you, but no ty.

6 years ago

You do have some decent titles, but I am very mildly interested in some, not enough to feel like wanting to trade.
Thank you for your offer!

6 years ago

Hello there! Sorry for the very late reply, didn't visit this page in the last few days.
Uhm, not sure of what I can pick. Do you have some suggestions?

6 years ago

hi, i'd be interested in those games for gems - added you if that is alright

Tacoma, Black the Fall (hb gl) for 3100 Gems

e. thanks! :-)

5 years ago*

ty for the trade!

5 years ago

Well, unfortunately, I didn't find any games that I would be interested in.
Life is Strange is a bit out of bounds (as price range), but if you want, I can trade Fortune-499 for gems, cards or a combination of gems + cards(you name it).
If interested, you can add me to discuss, price is listed above.

5 years ago*

added for minion masters

5 years ago

ty for trade!

5 years ago

a sack of gem for batman origin maybe?

5 years ago

Hello! Well, the price is listed in gems, if that's the value, yep!

5 years ago*

My offer is a sack of gem (1000 gems), is this ok?

5 years ago


This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

thanks for the offer but i will pass. 1000 gems is my final offer.

5 years ago

Ty as well for your offer, I'm not interested.

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.