I have...

DillonMabry's Tradable



I want...
  • TF2/CS:GO/Dota 2 Keys, Gems (i.e Marketable Items)
  • PayPal (Must have excellent rep.)
  • Bitcoin/BTC/₿, Crypto
  • Wishlist (The higher up it is on the list, the more I want it. The lower, less so.)
  • GOOD offers



My rep > Your rep = You go first
My rep < Your rep = I go first


Do not just post linking me to your trade thread to look through. Make an offer. Don't wanna go through your long list to find something decent? Guess what, neither do I. And no, just copy/pasting your whole list into the thread doesn't count. Look through your list, find something of equal value, and make an actual offer.


tl;dr The lowest price your game has ever been is how much it's worth, and the same goes for my games. If yours is worth less than mine, it's a bad offer and I will decline. Games get discounted further if they've been in a bundle. Now see the long version for more details.


My inital point of reference for value is historical lowest sale price, from SteamDB and IsThereAnyDeal. For example, if the price of that game is $20 normally, but it has gone on sale for $10, I initially value that game at ~$10. There's always room for negotiation, taking into consideration factors such as how many times a game has been bundled, how often it goes on sale, and what other traders value it at. I will consider offers and match prices within reason. But again, use common sense. No, your copy of Awesomenauts is not worth my copy of Stardew Valley, that's nowhere near reasonable.


In the case of games that have been bundled, I will apply a further 10% discount for every bundle that game has been included in (as shown by Enhanced Steam, via IsThereAnyDeal), up to 50%. Practically everything here will get at least a 10% discount. So, if a game has been bundled twice, I'll take an additional 20% off my base price of historical lowest value, and again referring to my example in 3a, if the price of a game is $20 normally, but it has gone on sale for $10, I initially value that game at ~$10. Then, if it has been bundled two (2) times, I will discount it a further 20%, bringing the final price to $8.


"but it's a bnudle game!!!1!"
That's fine. You obviously missed out on that discount, so I get to name the price. Supply and demand on all that. If you're gonna bitch about my prices, feel free to fuck right off :)

*Updated @ 08/12/17, 12:21 AM
6 years ago*

The Last Dogma (Non-bundled, High value cards, historical low 1.36$) for Wuppo (Bundled, historical low 1.5$ with 90% coupon)?

6 years ago

No thanks.

6 years ago

Hi, REVOLVER360 RE:ACTOR for Poly Bridge or Overcooked?

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.