I have...

cat on a diet
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
teddy floppy ear - the race
teddy floppy ear - kayaking
teddy floppy ear - mountain adventure
overcast walden and the warewolf
gorkey 17
highschool possession
fredric - evil strikes back
fredric - resurrection of music director's cut
shut up and dig
heli heroes
princess pixel loots again
mini attack submarine

I want...

killing floor + dlc
the mean green's plastic warfare

form the newest humblebundle and could do multiple games for them

7 years ago*

hi interested by:
cat on a diet
shut up and dig
princess pixel loots again

7 years ago*

no but would take cards

7 years ago

Sorry, i'll pass! not used to trade cards for games & absolutly not trading killing floor for these games

7 years ago*

card offer (the amount you could trade for each game) also so your thread saying your trading killing floor is that the same one as from humblebundle?

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.