I have...


I want...

Conan Exiles
A Hat in Time
The Escapists 2

5 years ago*

Hi, 7 days to die steam gift row for everspace

5 years ago

No thanks , not looking for that one right now ... also was bundled , even when your is a row gift ...

5 years ago

Sorry mate but 7 days to die never was bundled https://barter.vg/i/2870/?

5 years ago

Anyway thanks for your time!!! :)

5 years ago

Oh sorry man , just mix it with Miscreated ... will think about it

5 years ago

So, you little coward, wrote some crap on barter and disabled the comments in the last offer.
Pathetic piece of shit.

Here is the bullshit you wrote on barter:
"haha its better than a keyboard mouse like you , you idiot , 1200 days when i create my acc you idiot , i'm trading here only non bundle games and little games you stupid , not like you to offer some crap games for non bundle games

maybe you even don't know what is bundled or not , you little keyboard ninja idiot , who trying to trick me with some crap games worth 5$ for 2 full price games which are never bundled , try with some 0/0 rep trader , your trick not works here , go in the circus ;)

Having only 17 crap games on your tradable list and thinking i'm a "BIG TRADER" , your only for the circus idiot , 17 bundled crap games and trying to trade them for non bundle games , even 2"

Ok, i can answer to this crap, which is honestly you are not worth of my time, little ninja idiot, are you are kid or something?
You are telling such a crap, i never told that i am big trader!
You started this fight with this bullshit comment!
You could simply decline as not worth to trade etc, but no, you are acting like a retarted idiot and started to insult me!
Do you really think that if you start to insult people they will simply ignore you and do nothing?

Ok, whatever, bring it on, i can comment back as much as you want, endlessly!

5 years ago*

Ok, i see you are known for crap, racist and rude behaviour from the past, already 3 x -REPs and why? Cause you behave like an idiot who can't stop and insult people.

5 years ago

Greedy people like you deserve it , with your total impudence offering a bundled game which worth 5$ for not only 1 not bundle game , but 2 ... and one of them cover your game 3 times , which worth 12$ and the price of both is 20$ , i can only laugh at you , even your impudence not stop here and continue with your comments ... so this proves you're stupid , and that is not enough for you and now comments here , when i ignore you on barter , because i don't want to trade or have any other communication with people like you who wants to trick other traders with some crap offers ... go try to be more fair next time and stop insulting you little kid ;)

5 years ago*

Wow, as i expected, you continue to talk crap only:

  • 1st of all what i deserve? people like you? lol
  • 2nd as i offered you 1 main monthly for 2 of your games, you could counter or simply decline without stupid insult, but i guess it's your rage nature. If you trade or sell review keys from devs you are even more unethical.
  • 3rd you laugh about yourself, cause you continue to comment
  • 4th why i wrote here? cause you DISABLED the comments on barter, you insulted me on barter and then disabled, you behaved like a little kid, like a coward.
  • 5th your punctuation is aweful "go try to be more fair next time and stop insulting (here comes the comma) you little kid"

Whatever, the main reason why all escalated is the 2nd point, you insulted me in your 1st comment on barter!

5 years ago

There is no point to continue answer to stupid people like you ... Your the one who offer some totally unfair offer and you totally deserve my laugh and what if is it 1 of the main games on the monthly? hahahahahha your really funny or totally stupid , your wrote it like you offer a 30$ game , omg , and how much worth that main monthly game? - 5$ xD , 12$ for all 3 games , even more to come and for what? for 2 NOT BUNDLED games , not 1 , but 2 ... full impudence which worth 5 times like your game and you want me to counter to that impudence and why i should simply decline to that impudence ? And i just laugh , your the one who continue with your stupid things and impudence , not only offer a unfair offer and continue to comment , that prove how stupid your ... And what are you talking about? About sell or whatever your talking about , can you say something meaningful or your just envy ... And why i should laugh at me , because i comment on my trade to your stupid posts ? I just laugh at you , because your so stupid and i will comment , because your trying to trick people with so UNFAIR offers , idiot ;) And the point your continue to comment prove how stupid your , offers a totally unfair deal than continue to talk bullshits and i don't disabled the comments , i just ignore you , simply like that and again - don't want to trade or have any communication with you , are you stupid so much , cant understand that? And your offers are aweful too idiot , don't learn me where comes the comma or whatever , i don't care , my main language is not english ;) And if the laugh is insult for you , go to hospital XD You even insults with your unfair and stupid offers ;)

PS: Also that is the last one where i answer to someone stupid like you ! You can continue to write to yourself. ;)

5 years ago*

You continue to comment and proof your bad, rude and stupid behaviour, now i can only laugh about stupidity.
I see you like the word "impudence" so much maybe because you heard it so much in the school, work or wherever as they called your behaviour so?
Wow, you are like in full rage mode in the middle of text :-) long text like a pupil from a 1st class, with no text blocks and with only crap insults and nothing else like again and again the same crap.
If you write "hahahahahha" this does not make you feel superior, you only proof that you are in total rage here, like hysterical clown :-)
Makes sense, as clown you are, you want only to laugh all the time :P

So the whole passage of crap you write are the words "laugh" and "impudence" repeat and repeat, how old are you?

"And if the laugh is insult for you , go to hospital XD" are you an idiot?
You know that laughing is healthy, but in your case of course i have fear that you will fall dead because of rage laugh you have here!

"PS: Also that is the last one where i answer to someone stupid like you ! You can continue to write to yourself. ;)" we will see, i know people like you, they can't stop, remember you started the crap and insults!

-3 REP, ok, whoever wants to trade with this guy, be careful, else he will laugh you to death :-)

5 years ago

They want , because its not trade related , but who wants to trade with you , with your unfair offers? And a full impudence you have... And if you think that i'm rude or angry or whatever you like to call it , its just funny , why should i be , because of someone like you , i'm just laugh at you, that is , also thanks for the bumps xD

5 years ago

"PS: Also that is the last one where i answer to someone stupid like you ! You can continue to write to yourself. ;)"
What i said, you break your own promise. A low creature like you which is not keeping own promise is worth nothing in my eyes and also not in the eyes of history.

I will keep laughing as your -rep will grow with time cause people like you will not stop to rage, be rude or insult.
You deserve all the -reps you have!

5 years ago

I can't keep my promise, because your so funny xD It really nice to chat with clown like you... Grow or not is not something we live for, oh wait, maybe for you is a life option , do is? Your living for your reputation, for your virtual world, oh you don't have a real life mr. keyboard ninja ? Even use a words like "low creature" , too much games kid , too much... stop eating all day hamburgers , playing games... its not healthy for you , listen to me , its my advice for you :) Million thanks that i'm nothing in your eyes , who wants to be? To someone like you ? Eyes of history , wait , wait , we are in Call of Duty , which part of it ? XD Funny...

5 years ago

Now you take my words and tell it as it's yours, LOL, clown.
Yeah you philosophical genius, i guess you speak from your own history "too much games kid , too much... stop eating all day hamburgers , playing games..." You know, whatever you tell, you tell from your own past and behavior. I guess it's time for you to go back to your HARTZ IV, where you belong.

"Million thanks", yes i help people, even like you.
Btw i missed that you were laughing hysterical, where is it?

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.