I have...
  • Cards Sets
I want...
  • 1 TF2 key for 6 sets
  • 1300 Steam Gems for 1 set

Steam Level Up Service

With this service you can quickly and easily raise your Steam Level.

How to start

  1. Add the to the your friend list https://steamcommunity.com/id/MadLevelUpBot/
  2. Type in the chat message "!check" command to check how many sets you can get.
  3. Type in the chat message "!buytf N" command to buy sets for N key(s)(example: !buytf 5). And bot will send you a tradeoffer.
  4. Check your offers and accept it. Craft your badges for level up.
    5. ????
    6. Profit

Short list of common commands

Commands Description
!check check how many sets that you haven't crafted yet are able to buy, how much that will cost and how many sets the bot has in total.
!check N check how many sets that you can buy for N keys.
!buy N buy sets you haven't crafted for N CSGO keys.
!buytf N buy sets you haven't crafted for N TF2 keys.
!buyone N buy sets from different games you can craft once which you have not fully crafted yet (for 1 level collector) for N CSGO keys.
!buyany N buy random sets for N CSGO keys. This does NOT check your current badges. That means bot can give you full sets that you already crafted.
!level N check how much it will cost and how many sets it takes to get N level. This is calculated from your current level.
!contact shows where you can leave your questions https://steamcommunity.com/groups/MadF12LvlUp
!commands shows all available commands.
6 years ago*

interesting, too bad the bot is offline right now

6 years ago

internet connection problems, i noticed it too late :(

6 years ago

rep for rep?

6 years ago

can't sell sets.

6 years ago

ofc, cuz you don't leave your steam id in the bot's comments

6 years ago

i have battlefield 3 + watch dogs

6 years ago

There are bots that give 15 sets for 1 csgo key (Novos level up)

6 years ago

Hi, want 15 sets for 1 CS:GO Key?!

6 years ago

Hi! I can give you 1 Cs Go key for 200 random cards (chepeast and from removed games(random!))

5 years ago

Please beware of a scammer who impersonates my profile. I'm dropping this notice because there are so many people who has been effected from this issue and there's no other way to warn people before the incident. Thanks for your time for reading this.

5 years ago

what can i get for mini thief steam key

1 year ago

Closed 4 days ago.