I have...

I do accept tf2 Keys, but not for the games in bold

  • Bomber Crew
  • Borderlands 3
  • Cassette Beasts
  • Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
  • Coral Island
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • GoNNER (2)
  • Headsnatchers
  • Payday 2
  • Rain World
  • Remnant II (ROW)
I want...

Anything to build my collection

  • Wishlist

High on Life - Priority FIRST
Stardew valley - Priority
Hollow Knight - Priority
Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2
Baldur’s Gate 3
Ghost of Tsushima
7 Days to Die
Forza horizon 5
Sea of thieves - Priority

Accepting other offers

1 month ago*

Something from this list https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/49Jqy/h-humble-and-fanatical-leftovers-w-offers for panzer corps , for the king

4 weeks ago

Would you do god strike for for the king? I responded to your offer for panzer in my other thread. Im open to other games, that one just seemed the most even in value

4 weeks ago

Hello Neighbor for Rapture Rejects

Panzer Corps 2 for Paratropic + NeuroVoider + Regions of Ruin

For The King for I'm not a Monster or Dead Age

4 weeks ago

Hey! You’re going to have to add something with rapture rejects for hello neighbor, unfortunately its not even worth half, but I’m still happy to trade!

I can’t find paratropic on gg.deals, and the other 2 games are also very under value, so you will also have to add. These games were in a bundle at some point btw

I can give you for the king and hello neighbor for I’m not a monster, dead age, raptor rejects, and neurovoider though

3 weeks ago*

What are you willing to give? Usually when I’m told to look through a list every game I pick gets rejected so I want you to give me a few options you are willing to trade

3 weeks ago

hi, something from https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/9Y8wR/h-games-w-offer for
Doors: Paradox
The Little Acre

4 weeks ago

What are you willing to give? Usually when I’m told to look through a list every game I pick gets rejected so I want you to give me a few options you are willing to trade

3 weeks ago

here are all the games i got to trade, are we able to make a deal?
[H] GOG codes.
1x Monster Train
1x Hell Pie
2x Close to the Sun
1x Dishonored Definitive
AND Steam Codes. 1x Lost Eidolons, 1x Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf, 1x Spirit of The North.
[W] Offers

3 weeks ago

Hi! Could I trade lost eidolons for east side hockey manager and isonzo dlc?

3 weeks ago

hmm, i am not interested in eshm or the isonzo, i am (interested in) which of these are you able to do?
Hello Neighbor
The Little Acre
For The King

3 weeks ago

I can give for the king for Overcast, and lost eidolons

3 weeks ago

sorry, i don't think we can make a deal, but i wish you luck with your trades, God bless you :D

3 weeks ago

You too friend! Thanks!! FYI you can find accurate prices on gg.deals, and the values on both our ends are about equal

3 weeks ago

how about the trade Doors: Paradox
for something from my list: https://pastebin.com/ZvZtqE6b ?

3 weeks ago

Would I be able to trade Doors Paradox and another game like For the king or the little acre for baldurs gate 2? I’m also open to other options

3 weeks ago

hello! can y be interested in something for Doors: Paradox, Panzer Corps 2?

3 weeks ago

Hello! Could you be lease offer up some games?most of the time when I pick it gets denied

3 weeks ago

y are free to pick whatever y want, but be aware of region locks. i alsi can do multiple titles for 1 game

3 weeks ago

Sorry, I looked through and nothing really peaked my interest or seemed to match value. I’m happy to work out a deal for another game or see if you have a worthy offer. thanks!

3 weeks ago

Hello, I see you are looking for a copy of Payday 2. If you want you can have my copy. I haven't received an offer in ages for it, no need to keep it any any longer. :)

3 weeks ago

Hello! Thank you! That’s actually a game I’m planning to play so happy to take it off your hands! Do you want me to give you anything for it so you’re not leaving empty handed?

3 weeks ago

Consider it a very small gift. :) Please send an invite when you can.

3 weeks ago

Thank you so much! If you ever need anything let me know :)
Added you on steam btw

3 weeks ago*

Hey friend! Did you get my steam invite? Thanks again!

3 weeks ago

I accepted you Steam invite yesterday, minutes after you sent it. Left you multiple messages at different intervals which you ignored. One of them had the code for the game included. I unfriended you today since you didn't seem to be interested in communicating. G'day!

3 weeks ago

Oh I kept checking steam and never got any of the messages, my Notification Center is empty. Sorry for making you think I was ignoring you! I didn’t mean to cause you troubles, not sure if it was me being special or a glitch

3 weeks ago

The invite has been accepted. The messages I left you yesterday are still visible, al least for me. If you don't see the message with the code, let me know and I'll send it again.

3 weeks ago

Edit: I was being nosy and there's no problem.

3 weeks ago*

The code I gave him has been already added to his library. The copy you see listed now has been obtained from this exchange.

3 weeks ago*

Sorry, didn't mean to be nosy but seemed funny and weird that it appeared shortly afterwards on their list lol.

3 weeks ago


This comment was deleted 2 weeks ago.

3 weeks ago

Hi! I currently have a pending deal for re5, if he doesn’t get back to me/declines then I’m happy to trade it to you!
No lock that I’m aware of btw

3 weeks ago*

Sorry not interested in them

2 weeks ago

Heya, still after Super Meat Boy? Would trade for Jusant + Necrosmith 2 :)

2 weeks ago

Yeah sounds great! Added you!

2 weeks ago

Hiya! Anything from MY TRADE LIST for Jusant & Baldurs Gate 2? If not, how much for the key? Let me know. Thank you!! :)

1 week ago

Hi!! Yeahh sadly I’m not interested in those games. Would you do 3 keys for them?

1 week ago

That's okay! But hmm.. Unfortunately I have no funds right now but thank you

1 week ago

Okay well if you get any tf2 keys please let me know!

1 week ago

Hello! sorry i just traded jusant, but i am interested in Prey if youd like anything else!

1 week ago

Ah, unfortunate. That was the only game I was interested in from your list.

1 week ago

Yeahhh sorry about that! I made a deal and the guy couldn’t find his key, he found it as soon as you messaged me

1 week ago

Cassette Beasts for Neon Prism?

3 days ago

No thanks! Thank you for the offer though
If you have a list I’ll happily look around

3 days ago

Sorry I’m not interested, thanks for reaching out!

2 days ago

Hi :) I have a copy of Killing Floor 2, are you interested in any of your games?

2 days ago

Hi! Would you take gonner, cuban missile crisis, and cook severe delicious 3?

1 day ago

Hi! Your region?

How many keys for Coral Island and Warhammer 40k Darktide?

Also have High on life from your wishlist

1 day ago

All of my keys are global, but I’m from the United States
Sorry for the late response
Do you have a list I can look through?
I am happy to trade for high on life!
I do accept tf2 keys with my smaller games but for the bigger ones I’d prefer to trade games for games
Thanks for reaching out! I’ll update my thread to say that

1 day ago*

I do have a lot of games which has been outdated for quite sometime, here's my barter list - https://barter.vg/u/3060/o/

1 day ago

Want to add me on steam to discuss? There’s a few games I’m interested in

1 day ago

Sorry I’m not interested, thanks for reaching out though! Please let me know if you get new stock :)

13 hours ago

I can give u high on life for Coral Island. Interested?

10 hours ago

I am interested, but I would like another game in addition to high on life
Do you have a list?

10 hours ago

sorry it would be 1:1. Good luck.

10 hours ago

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