Hello! We are a Level Up Service. We can help you to Level Up your Steam Profile!

About Level Up Service:

Our Level Up Service allow you to exchange your CS:GO, PUBG, TF keys and Gems for complete trading card sets, ready to be crafted to boost your level!
Simply add the Han Solo and Chewbacca as a friend and type !help in chat!

Add the Han Solo and Chewbacca as friend to trade:

#1: Han Solo

#2: Chewbacca

Leia Organa STM Service helps you to easily trade your duplicate Steam trading cards from the same game:

STM 1:1 Trade: Leia Organa

List of Chat Commands:

  • !help - show Help
  • !stats - show current bot amount of currencies
  • !prices - to see our prices

  • !level [your dream level] - calculate how many sets and how many keys it'll cost to desired level
  • !check - shows how many sets I have available for you to craft
  • !check [amount] - shows how many sets and which level you will reach for a specific amount of keys

  • !buy [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this to buy sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of CS:GO keys, following the current rate
  • !buytf [amount of TF keys] - use this to buy sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of Team Fortress 2 keys, following the current rate
  • !buypubg [amount of PUBG keys] - use this to buy sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of PUBG keys, following the current rate
  • !buygems [amount of sets] - use this to buy sets you have not crafted yet for that amount of Gems, following the current rate

  • !buyany [amount of CS:GO keys] - use this to buy that amount of CS:GO keys for any sets, even from badges that has already been crafted, following the current rate
  • !buyone [amount of CS:GO keys] - only use this if you are a badge collector. I will send one set of each game, by the current rate

  • !sellcheck - shows information about the sets you can sell
  • !sellcs [amount of CS:GO keys] - sell your sets for CS:GO keys
  • !selltf [amount of TF keys] - sell your sets for Team Fortress 2 keys
  • !sellpubg [amount of PUBG keys] - sell your sets for PUBG keys
  • !sellgems [amount of sets] - sell your sets for Gems

  • [amount of...] and [your dream level] - must be an integer and without "[ ]"


What type of keys do you accept?
We accept CS:GO, PUBG, TF keys and Gems

Will the you know which sets I have already crafted?
Yes! Once you add the Han Solo and Chewbacca as a friend, we are able to read your badge data and only send you the ones you need.

Are you able to craft badges for games you don't own?
Yes you are.

We can't trade with you if:

  • Your inventory is private
  • You got a trade hold
  • Your keys have trade hold. If you have recently bought them off the Steam Market, there is unfortunately a 7 day restriction before they can be used
  • You haven't had Mobile Authenticator for 7 days

What will I receive after I craft a badge?

After every badge you craft, you will receive:

  • 100xp towards your steam level
  • 1 emoticon
  • 1 profile background
  • 1 discount coupon (lasts for 2 weeks)
  • +5 friend list spaces for every 1 level gained

What are the benefits of having a high steam level?

  • Larger friends list available
  • Additional Profile Customization (+1 showcase per 10 level's gained)
  • Increased chance of receving booster packs
  • Visiblity, the higher your steam level, the more people are likely to visit your profile
  • Deemed more trustworthy in cash trades
7 years ago*

hello, i'm looking for 20:1 need 60 sets

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

already got sets , but thank you for the offer, good luck

7 years ago

can you please stop spamming my bot's profile?

It's ok, if you tarde with him. It's a bot. But please refrain from commenting after every single trade.

Otherwise I will block you.

6 years ago

Now Bot accept Team Fortress 2 Keys and Gems

6 years ago

Sets added

6 years ago

Sets added

6 years ago

Limited offer 15:1 rate!

6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.