
Scammed me for Nier Automata, I paid him he then told me the key is CIS we agreed he will pay me back and he didn't.
He eventually removed me from the friendlist, I did a grave mistake and used the send money option and not buy so I am short 30 Euros now.
I will provide every piece of information once I get home from work.

AVOID HIM at all costs, he even admits he scammed me in the chat log which I will provide later.

I don't get why he did it now, he seemed a trustable guy but he treated me like a fool. I even waited for him for hours after I paid to get the game while he was ignoring me. Thought 50 +rep was enough for me to trust.

Paypal proof of my payment:

Paypal proof of him declining my money requests to get my money back :

Initially on his first decline he tought I did a chargeback, which is not even possible because I did send him the money via send not buy option cause I trusted a random stranger(I am an idiot).
Then I did more requests so he could understand that this is simply a request he has to accept so I get my money back.
He then told me to fuck off and blocked me, and left with my money and I got nothing.

I am honestly waiting a -REP with some random crap of his which won't make any sense.

Oh and for the record, he claimed he works for Koolthings, a digital key distributor for the press, I am in contact with them and they want to escalate the situation to find what is happening, they say they won't tolerate any shady business and scamming on their names, I am in direct contact with them and they investigate the situation.
I will inform you all when things settle.

6 years ago* Permalink

This scammer -
fooled the current user (zvya) with using picture of my steam account -
If you look closely you will see that the scammer used stern_page id with RN symbols not M symbol -
and mine steam id is steam_page.
Also I never used nickname Const in steam -
So i didn't scam anyone but this user left negative feedback to me.
So be careful with current user because he can blame you even if it's not your fault at all.

7 years ago* Permalink
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