
As you can see this person as a really bad reputation. You can make any excuses you want but the proof is in number. Reflect onto yourself why people dislike you and giving you bad reps. You have to change or this will continue on.

6 years ago Permalink

Absolute hypocrite. You might want to take some Safety Scissors and cut off a bit of that ego you fool

6 years ago Permalink

Hi lilly, you had a vac in your steam account (that's why I deleted you from my friends list), how did you delete the vac from your profile ?? Your Valve Friends deleted your vac? (Omg what a shame valve) what is the war you talk about? Iraq? Afghanistan? Syria? ... you know what lilly? Your narcissism has no limits

6 years ago* Permalink

Welcome the most narcissistic scammer in the history of steam with nearly 500 people blocked. Good luck impersonating any more of us any further, butthead.
Report the hell out of everything HE owns (this impersonator, cheater, scammer, racist, ISIS sympathizer) ! Did I miss out on anything? -_^ Lilly, you are some bucket. Bucket full of idioticy and worthless pride. It's time you no longer get away with anything. It's time you pay for all your lies and all your dirty deeds that you STILL keep on doing. We have more than enough on you to report you for the rest of your miserable impersonator's life, with the rest of your dirty accounts. You get what you deserve.

Run and hide. Going sudden 'private profile' won't help. We have all on you. ALL. All and everything!

6 years ago Permalink

Liar. Scammer. Cheater. Impersonator, false accusator and many other things. (here's a proof of it all) and this guide

Today, he set profile to private after trying ''another story'' that didn't work because the guide got him wrecked with another proof. Also this is not a woman, this is a man. Don't trust ANY word he says.

Join the army! It's time for you to get banned with all the other accounts you own.

6 years ago* Permalink





6 years ago Permalink

To "Lilly" aka braindead sissy retard.

supreme autist on steam, gaben plz ban this dumbie, btw i'm injecting LUA into your secure left client-side speaker net stream on eth0 via my newest Ring1+Ring2 ASM exploit technology, in about 5 mins i'll have your full name and adress, format your pc tomorrow. the police will be knocking

shitty memes btw you autist hehexd imaboybtw

Edit: Since you can't reply on this useless website.

  1. You are really an autism guy and psychopath
  2. You are really an autism guy and psychopath
  3. You are really an autism guy and psychopath
  4. You are really an autism guy and psychopath
  5. Stop lying you dumb cunt :---)))
  6. btw what's my IP??? x---DD you assburger
  7. Clearly my nickname is erfie, having a hard time reading? Fucking braindead autist
  8. Yes you have many alt accounts, get banned pls x---dddddDD
6 years ago* Permalink

This is a special kind of snowflake and rare too. It's a scammer, false accusator, liar, cheater, impersonator and so much more.
Here is the new and most complete evidence to date (updated all the time): - ''50 shades of Alizee, the archive''

Also feel free to join an ''Anti Alizee Congress''

6 years ago Permalink

This guy/girl or it (ill go with it) over here keep on falsely accusing that people are trying to go after "it" account by scamming/hacking and falsely reporting people repeatedly.


My evidence is

  1. I don't have any other accounts. 2. i dont even know how to hack at all 3. You gotta stop falsely accusing others of hacking/scamming. 4. I don't even know you're gender so thats why I called you an it
6 years ago* Permalink

Never have I met a worse person on steam
He will falsely accuse you of hacking him, falsely accuse you of scamming and state that he can get you ban.
He abuses the steam report system and is truly toxic

6 years ago Permalink

mY sTeAm AcCoUnT iS nOt SuSpEnDeD. yOuR eFfOrT iS uNnEcEsSaRy.
(As one of the few people who votes on reviews I can confirm that this person is a scammer and should be banned on Steam and Steam Trades.)

6 years ago Permalink

Im here to steal your account. Surrender yourself before I hack your account. (p.s waiting for follow back -rep xD)

good meme haha

6 years ago* Permalink

Most toxic user to ever use Steam.

6 years ago Permalink

Here for the salt... :B

View attached image.
6 years ago* Permalink

Final edit, After trying to add him, he blocks me and treats a user called vox with disrespect, this guy is a pig.:
Edit Edit: His racism :
Edit: Screenshot proof: ,
First things first, this is a male not a female:
Second, is a scammer and accuses people of scamming, and is toxic :
Third, has a fake list of scammers
Fourth, has had changed his name like 900 times :
Fifth, racist
Sixth, claims he got hacked everytime he cheats/ blocks someone for calling him a scammer, what a pathetic druggie fool, that condom your parents used and split was wasted on you.

seventh: this is my friends paragraph, explaining everything:
poor follow up defense with 838 URL changes and 153 name changes and no real info because you have no info to blame me as well as everyone else in your negative reviews, since you have nothing in common with me.

I never traded with you and am not banned for trading.

We are not friends, we were not friends therefore I am not in your 'historic friends' that can easily be found online.

BUT you, now that's a different thing. Blocking nearly 500 people because everyone has something bad to say about you and most of all the way you turn arrows around.

''It was not me, it was you'' <= is your favorite tactic it seems. ~500 people can't be wrong especially when you take on all of us. Screw yourself, cheater, racist, liar. You think too much of yourself.

No one cares to hack your account, because you are worthless. Before saying that all of us who leave you a feedback here and on steam (nicely done removing your profile comments,

but we see them none the less and more. it's easy! >:) ) are thieves and hackers, you should really learn to close your mouth. You are numerously reported on steam and now also here. You had a VAC ban and you know how it was removed. You should've learned to flee the scene of crime because now it's too late for you. Karma is taking its toll.

6 years ago* Permalink

retarded idiot who cheats in counter strike global offensive, then accused me of cheating, then reported me for no reason, then threatened me to change my ip as he was going to bot me.

6 years ago Permalink

This person scammed my knife by using middleman method, I hope you get your trade ban.

6 years ago Permalink

Hello everyone. I just wanted to inform you all to not type in the details such as:
Username: xxxLillyxxx
Steam Password: 21081984Lilly
Steam Authenticator 78RE5H
because if i am not wrong... this person will get the location detail sendt to his email which he can further use towards you as evidence trying to ''hack'' you're steam account... i am not quite sure though... but i would not risk it.

he even went as far as posting a nude pic to his profile... and it seems like he realy realy hates me atm because he copied my username and profile Picture :P.

He even tried selling his account XD and here is the bloody evidence for that!: < he has changed the profile quite allot since.

First of all to everyone that reads this. It's not a she... it's a he and here is my evidence! >

so before rushing out there saying it's a fat woman... well i am sorry to tell ya... it's not a she it's a he. Connected whit >
| steamname: Aysel ™
| steam3ID: [U:1:112723150]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56361575
| steamID64:
| customURL:
| steamrep:
more evidence
the original woman that he tries to be is this >>

this is a known French popstar.

now let's report this asshole and get that profile shut Down ASAP

6 years ago* Permalink

Alizee is a deceiver and uses a variety of hacks to get the most out of online games. She likes little kids because Alizee has at least a bit of chances that the kids start crying and tell their mother about the evil Alizee. Alizee has now again a new name: xxx Lilly xxx is her now. Her profile pictures are also faked she is in truth a fat woman and not very pretty. She puts pictures of celebrity singers as her avatarpicture after editing them with photoshop.

I bet you have now gained even more weight than at that time now in front of the computer sweats you definitely play with the hacks in online Games and still laughs about naive little children this fat xxx Lilly xxx.

My motto is ,, Make xxx Lilly xxx great again !" Please write to the steam support, which is a cheater and hacker and children hater.

6 years ago* Permalink

i kill him with the knife 2 times in deathmatch server
and he started insulting me insult arabs.. and he block me
wtf are you crazy ؟

6 years ago Permalink

Pretends that her account is hacked when she gets caught doing baddy things.
How many times is that her account suddenly is hacked? Only 1 time you think? 2? 3? Nope. Because if we combine every person that heard that at different times, this is a very unrealistic image to have account hacked nearly every month.
Very, very naughty.
Cancerous steam disease in all its glory.

6 years ago Permalink

Uses fake scammer lists of people she never traded with because she is not all that saint herself. Be quick to screenshot her!!!
If you try to stand up to her, send harmless one or few words you could get a threatening reply to get you banned from all steam services. Then be very quick to save it. She will delete it in a minute or less!

6 years ago Permalink

Interrupted something going on online and she said that she hoped my dog will die 0_=
I don't like you. He is actually old and we in family love him. Hope you returned what your other account stole from the boy. Avoid this account too: it's one of few you should never accept if you value your inventory contents.

6 years ago Permalink

Fishy trader. Left trade coz of bad feeling. Result = blocked. Whut? scratching head WHUT? Started researching and found a lot of interesting details, like:
Profile updated: 818 times on SteamID - so far more than 98% of the updates are URL changes,
153 Name changes stored for this account - so far,
Not a single person speaks good.. no.. not just good, even neutral about this .. this 'creature', this abomination. Very foul mouth. Plays a victim if there are more than 2 people in a room whom she didn't fight with. If she fought with everyone.. well I have screenshots I might upload rather sooner than later. An actual cheater as someone already pointed out. Definitely uses speed and wall hacks in some fps game, online. Thank you for killing all the fun normal player had, you sore l0ser. An obvious cheater is an obvious cheater. Learn to play fair and stop being such a rude potato to everyone. Nobody likes you for a reason. Or make it a half-a million reasons in your case.
A very smart person when it comes to removing her and others comments. Advice for everyone bash her with screenshots. Save them somewhere on your PC and when you need it, you'll always have it there. Fishy, fishy trader and bad at everything else mutant-born abomination.

6 years ago* Permalink

Narcissistic prick. Proved cheater. Ex-bearer of VAC (befriended a person who was capable of removing it for her and then dumped him too). Have more than 300 people falsely accused and blocked. Nearing 400 as we speak of it.

Edit: and (mass evidence)

6 years ago* Permalink

This is one rude, idiot of a trader and that's just the beginning of it.
She's like a Sharmota with a capital 'S'. Uses you and then throws you out the garbage. Calls good people for toxic ones. Subscribe to her comments and discussions, and see how ridiculous she is.
LOL @ people that she's blocked. Poor, innocent people. She is like a born nazi who hates nazis and everyone else including black lives matter who totally don't matter to her. Makes sense? Slightly or not at all? Welcome to the club. This is a maniac whom you wont ever understand.


Poor follow up defense with 838 URL changes and 153 name changes and no real info because you have no info to blame me as well as everyone else in your negative reviews, since you have nothing in common with me. I never traded with you and am not banned for trading. We are not friends, we were not friends therefore I am not in your 'historic friends' that can easily be found online. BUT you, now that's a different thing. Blocking nearly 500 people because everyone has something bad to say about you and most of all the way you turn arrows around. ''It was not me, it was you'' <= is your favorite tactic it seems. ~500 people can't be wrong especially when you take on all of us. Screw yourself, cheater, racist, liar. You think too much of yourself. No one cares to hack your account, because you are worthless. Before saying that all of us who leave you a feedback here and on steam (nicely done removing your profile comments, but we see them none the less and more. it's easy! >:) ) are thieves and hackers, you should really learn to close your mouth. You are numerously reported on steam and now also here. You had a VAC ban and you know how it was removed. You should've learned to flee the scene of crime because now it's too late for you. Karma is taking its toll.

You already called me a cow and all the other racist things before being deleted by a moderator. She (or he as some pointed out) only leaves comments on her wall that praise her 'skills' and such. Made defensive comments upon seeing that we give her negative reviews here. Because no matter how many times we report this idiot on steam, this toxic filth still lives. It's been long and you should've learned. All the feedback for you is more authentic than your soul will ever be. But what would you know. You are wholly made in China. It's the end of you, barbie-man.

6 years ago* Permalink

Feedback speaks for itself:
Avoid at any cost or she will say you tried to hack her or get her stuff or whatever, when in fact she uses cheats in vac-free games. I was invited as an eyewitness and this person is one messed up, crazy, witless, lying, scratching butt... banana ape. Mad me want to go shower 4 times a day for a month. yes I paid a lot for water that time. it was a horrible experience. Much nicer to be eaten by a dozen of squirrels after being sexually attacked by a rogue bunch of hippos at once, than having contact with that ape-man creature.

6 years ago Permalink

Cheated in games and called half the people on the server bad names. Then everyone because no one took her side, coz she's an absolute idiot. Blocked half the gamers on the server of which I know. Spoiled all games until we could no longer bear her. Absolutely narcissistic profile. Probably stands in front of mirror for 23 hours a day, every day.

6 years ago Permalink

For a while used to be spamming me with photoshopped p0rn pictures OUT OF THE BLUE. WHY? I DON'T KNOW! A real nice person though.. kinda.. actually not. Accuses everyone (literally) of hacking, speed hacking and what not. Posts false reports on people. Sucks real bad for those guys and girls! Blocked over 300 people. Witnessed some crazily idiotic reasons for blocking people. deserves every negative. banned on VAC but gotten her ban revoked after I helped her out. Then flushed me down the toilet with the rest of 300+ people. She's an actual cheater. When she dated me she chewed my stick so I had to go to hospital and she blocked me after 2 months of my recovery after I came to her page and said 'hey'. Lol insta ban. Very cute.

Edit: Butthurt Alizee (aka Lilly) is on the strike for revenge feedbacks. Poor scammer and online cheater. Beware of karma. Everyone she gives a negative is the one who knows her.. oh it's actually him.. scammer and cheater veteran.

Edit 2: (get rekt, scammer)

7 years ago* Permalink

Narcistic prick

7 years ago Permalink

+rep, good trader.

7 years ago Permalink
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