
The reason why i give u -REP is simply u delete me when i add u for trade.

9 years ago Permalink

This reseller added me through steam, and offered me one key for a full game. When I said it was too low, he told me not to waste his time, then raised it to two keys... ok that's kinda rude, but then he started arguing that i only payed 4 cents since it was part of a humble bundle. I told him I donated higher, to get this game, (and to donate more to charity), he said that's not his problem... and I was pretty disgusted that this person only understood money. It's fine if you want to resell games but I'm looking to make a fair trade for someone who actually wants the game, not a person who has it in their library, and is going to resell it for a profit. What's even nastier is that this person ended the chat by calling me bb... as in Short for "baby", used by men on cam websites when their right hand is too busy to reach for the Y key.

9 years ago Permalink
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