
Bioshock Infinte x2


$40 Paypal or 35 TF2 keys each.

1 decade ago*

I'm sorry mate, but I am strictly either looking to get Paypal or TF2 keys for Bioshock Infinite at this point in time :( I appreciate the offer of your games and items though :) have a good day and goodluck :)

1 decade ago

35 keys? wow so many sharks in steamtrades, i hope there arent so many people falling in this scam

1 decade ago

35 * $1.30 = $45.50

1 decade ago

1.30$ pp ////
2.3$ steam market

35 * 2.3 = 80.5

Game value = 45

Profit = 80.5 - 45 = 35.5 , what a great profit after u selling those keys in steam market

SHARKS , Sharks everywhere

Scammers , Scammers Everywhere

1 decade ago

You're not including steam fees, so the seller gets under 2 dollars. Steam Market also has a limit of 200 trades a year or something so also keep that in mind.

Game value is 60 bucks bud.

And if you don't like it so much go somewhere else? Logic.

1 decade ago

Game value Steam Store $44.99 USD sorry to ruin ur sharking

1 decade ago

I have to agree with SimplySolace, please, if you do not like my thread do not comment, I do not go onto your threads and attempt to make you look bad by claiming your prices are bad with false logic. Please feel free to not comment on any of my threads again :)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.