Hey all.

I have a voucher for 3 games (the MoH Warfighter 20% off is expired). The games are Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3 and Hitman Absolution. The voucher will be redeemable at www.amd.com/neversettlepromo where you will register your own email and receive the STEAM or Uplay keys straight there.

Would like offers of:

Aliens Colonial Marines
Call of Duty 1 & 3

Dead Space 3 (Origin)
Mass Effect 3 (Origin)
Black Ops 1 & 2

Doom 3 BFG

  • Means will accept game on it's own.

Due to value of bundle, I will accept any game with asterisk on it's own. Anything else should be combined with another game within your offer and I will accept tempting offers.

Will trade codes on Steam Chat.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.