Hey guys,
I just got scammed for 24 Tf 2 keys by "-Tolo-" for 2 Payday 2 copies. After the people who i traded his payday 2 copies to used it, it got removed from their library for "Payment refunded". After telling him this, he didnt want to give me back the keys even after i showed him the proof of the accounts.
Please dont trade with him.

| steamname: -Tolo-

| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:45044078

| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050353884

| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/iamtolo

| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198050353884

2 other people had the same problem with this guy:

"WARNING!!!! got a copy of PAYDAY 2 like RealGamingExpert that was just revoked...now he won't even add me, which is generally not a good sign...."

"Revoked Gifts from trader 2 days later (2 copys of payday 2)"

Check out his profile to see it.

1 decade ago*

I only wonder, ¿How you got my user account? and ¿Do I have need of scamming off when you are the one that has different stories?.
I buy copies and after i selling this copies, I have no fault of third parties to do this, and I remember I've been there and you deleted me of steam friend list with threats this.

1 decade ago

So tell me, why are there 5 people complaining about their copies getting removed on your reputation list? Its not just me, stop living in your on reality and stop making shit up, thanks. I gave you all the prove, you didnt want to return me any keys and i guess you wont do it for the other guys either. I contacted steam a second time, because you are still trading with scammed copies of games, im pretty sure your account gets banned soon, enjoy.

1 decade ago

One week trader? No thanks better pay more for game from guy who got probation and some rep then buy for extra cheap prorders from one week trader.Thats my advice for you

1 decade ago

Yeah i learned that the hard way now, but thanks. Wont happen again.

1 decade ago

report him on steamrep.com so others wont be scammed

1 decade ago

So does it make it better? You were the one getting scammed and didnt want to return a single key back. You were even saying that im the only one with this problem. Obviously not. I offered you returning me half of the keys, but even that didnt happen. Sorry that makes you not better than him.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.