I have...


I want...

Control Standard or Ultimate edition for steam

I will accept the best price.

7 years ago*

4 csgo keys for Stanley Parable, Nuclear Throne and Day of the Tentacle?

7 years ago

I need all games at once from freeom bundle

7 years ago


This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

I need all games at once from freeom bundle

7 years ago

oh sorry

7 years ago

np ;)

7 years ago

For paypal?

7 years ago

Added to talk

7 years ago

Kinguin service, means buys from kinguin website

6 years ago

added to sell some keys

6 years ago

Interested in 7 keys?

6 years ago

hi,still $1.9 each key? i need about 10

6 years ago

Scammer ! Gave him $9.5 + fees on paypal for csgo keys and he blocked me !.

6 years ago

You can try doing what you want from your 20 fake accounts, cg is already warned about you....

6 years ago

You went first with someone who got his rep from idleing...also your reply is not good enough,it s a big chance that you won t get all the negatives removed.No admin will help you.

6 years ago

I understand your view but i not checked that the rep was from idleing :/ If what say is true, i will stop using steamtrades...

6 years ago

+rep thanks for idle :)

+Rep: Thanks for fast idle 24 games with 191 keys <3

+rep. trade went smooth.
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/32516565/ -----------------> FOLLOW
https://steamcommunity.com/groups/MyIndieWishlist -------------> JOIN
got free game

+rep really fast idle

you have way more rep than him, and you go first?

i will stop using steamtrades...

no buddy cares
but the community will help you to remove them all

"Traded my csgo keys for his GTA Complete Pack but got revoked after 1 week."
"He revoked payment for game Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse + dlc. Be careful when trading with this guy."

how could you revoke removed game XD

6 years ago

Also, i explained all things in my first fake rep...

6 years ago

Don't worry man, you'll get those fake rep removed in no time. I already did my part of the job :)

6 years ago

Also did my job to help you out on the -reps, I know how shitty it is (my -rep is also for no reason aswell, hopefully it's also removed)

Good luck

6 years ago

you DID hijack that guy and you always do

I got the game first because you were slow

this is not a good reason especially you both make the same offer

good luck booth of you

6 years ago

Nope I did not, I just added that guy and asked what he wanted, I gave him what he wanted, and got what I was asked. I added the guy and he was active on steam, but not on steamtrades, and I got blamed for it.

Feel free to prove when I hijacked

6 years ago

Nope I did not, I just added that guy and asked what he wanted,

so, what is hijacking mean?

The definition of hijack is to take over something that doesn't belong to you such as a plane, ship, bus or other vehicle, to commandeer or to take over by force.

so you just added him, without wait that guy to reply you, and offered the same games he asked from another trader
and its not a hijack? GG , goodluck

6 years ago

dude I had snake pass in my list, and sent it over to the guy over steam chat, and he chose snake pass for anything. Also aren't you the guy that just low balls everyone and gets mad at them later? Way to scold someone

PS: I didn't take over something that doesn't belong to me. Heck, it doesn't even belong to who -repped me. I offered him my list and asked "what would you do for mark of the ninja/orcs must die/medal of honor/crysis 2?"
Some seconds later he said "I could do snake pass 1:1 for any of those"

Whatever it doesn't matter now, hijacking means I stole something, which I did not

He doesn't own the trade, and never will. If whoever has the game decided to trade with me instead of him, for whatever reason, it doesn't matter, because it's his decision. Now tell me, what did I hijack?

6 years ago*

dude I had snake pass in my list, and sent it over to the guy over steam chat

do you add every one and offer your list, or offer your list then add the guy?

Also aren't you the guy that just low balls everyone and gets mad at them later?

yes i lowball, just like you do and almost everyone in this site do, but i never got mad of any of them
aren't you the guy that started with list full of freebies and put Darksouls3 in your want list?
ooh, its not lowballing, what about your secret list? ooh you dont hide anything

PS: I didn't take over something that doesn't belong to me. Heck, it doesn't even belong to who -repped me. I offered him my list and asked "what would you do for mark of the ninja/orcs must die/medal of honor/crysis 2?"
Some seconds later he said "I could do snake pass 1:1 for any of those"

stop lying to yourself, you may apologize to that guy and get your problem solved

Whatever it doesn't matter now, hijacking means I stole something, which I did not

you stole his deal

He doesn't own the trade, and never win. If whoever has the game decided to trade with me instead of him, for whatever reason, it doesn't matter, because it's his decision. Now tell me, what did I hijack?

see your -rep vote and you will know if you hijacked him or not
it will be removed withing 2 days if you got 60% of the votes and the voters are more than 100 users

final word, i'm not against you and not with him, i'm just saying the truth
and good luck for both of you , i wont reply anymore

6 years ago*

Yeah, but I don't get mad at people lowballing me when I do it everytime appearently

the deal wasn't his, if you want I can apologize to him, but what would that do? If he wants to come to me get the issue(which is not even a thing, he was just mad at me getting something he wanted) he has to come to me

His -rep itself is against the rules. He can not review me without having traded with me, so he might aswell as apologize, whenever he agrees with those words, we can "resolve the issue"

Yeah I actually tend to add almost everyone I see something I might want and that they don't have a notice saying "don't ninja add me"

Also 'putted' hurts my soul

6 years ago*

Hey agk90,
Hijack here in SteamTrades, is specifically under Trades section, which refers to trades threads.

  • Do not hijack another user's trade for your own benefit, and keep your trades in their appropriate topics.

Read the rest of the points and you can see it only refers to threads.
The intent as far as I can tell is that you can't use another person thread to your own agenda.
This isn't what happened here - both traders commented on the same thread, which doesn't belong to any of them
so no hijacking occurred.

Maybe it's not polite or nice to try to get a trade when you already see the offer, but it's not against the site rules.
And -REP cannot be given to a trade that hadn't happened - meaning this is a false REP.

6 years ago

hello, Amorphism

as you can see from this photo https://ibb.co/h3YrZS , LucasCT already accepted a deal from harkeeshirvad
IF Andlu did make a better offer then its not hijacking, btw the dude Andlu posted on his thread and added him without getting any reply ( because he was sure that LucasCT will accept his(that) offer )
also as you can see, Andlu answer for that is ""I got the game first because you were slow"" is make no sense, as like he knows that he did hijack him or we are in a race

but it's not against the site rules.

so, what harkeeshirvad should do? report him to steam?
if someone brake the rule , other people will do
its like: i will brake the rules a leave you -rep for no reason, but you shouldnt leave _rep, because its against of the site rules

6 years ago

That picture shows harkeeshirvad saying he "added to discuss" - that's still not accepting a trade, it's accepting to talk. Accepting a trade is actually accepting it - include sentences like "I agree, here's the game/key/whatever" / "thanks, here what you asked for" / "wait, I'm sending you the key" etc.
And that was on his thread, Andlu didn't use harkeeshirvad thread to offer his own deal - if he did, that would be hijacking.

There are no rules against adding without discussion - I hate that people do that, but some people don't mind it and it's hardly a real offense. It's not a scam. You can call it rude (and I'll agree) but that's about it. It's etiquette, not laws.

Andlu see it as a race, and if you think about it - it is in a lot of aspects. Didn't you ever get 2 offers, very close in time, and had to choose who you're going to trade with? For example, I see it in Group Buys all the time. You comment and sometimes you get a reserved spot and sometimes a person just add the thread creator without asking and gives him PayPal for the games, bypassing everyone. Bottom line - it's for the trader own decision who's going to make the deal with. And you can clearly see this trader doesn't agree with harkeeshirvad here.

so, what harkeeshirvad should do? report him to steam?

No. There's nothing in the current system to do. But what he can't do is give -REP for a trade that never happened.
This is REP I will vote against, as everyone should, as it's clearly not a bad trade experience, just a bad experience.

Any -REP in this situation is inappropriate and should voted to be removed (both sides).

6 years ago*

you have a good point view ,, yes i missed that "added to discuss"
anyway i can not say that what Andlu did is totally legit
because he always try to hijack, its not the first time

6 years ago

Ain't gonna say those weren't, because those offers came off right alongside and I saw that they were interested in it, so I was willing to beat that offer, but as I said, this time it wasn't me just hijacking anything (also the main point is that hijacking is stealing someone's thread for something, not stealing someone's "offer", that they don't even own)

6 years ago*

Beating an offer in a free marketplace - I not only see this as legitimate but as to be expected.

For this reason, and many others, a blacklist tool should be added. As oppose to active moderation which is corruptible by the nature of this site, this will be for anyone to use with any reason. So if Lafter thought you were rude for going after trades he already accepted he could just blacklist you and you won't be able to comment on his thread. Problem solved. Elegant and fast.

6 years ago

Good enough for me, just hoping I get this rep taken down

6 years ago

If you agreed with me about what hijacking means here, specifically on ST, you should use a different word since it doesn't fit and it's not in the guidelines.
In this example - this is a thread that belong to 1 person - Lafter - so they can't hijack from each other it since it doesn't belong to any of them in the first place.

In essence, the only thing we "got" here, as traders, is our trading threads. So the only thing that can be stolen is those threads.
A good example of hijacking is you making a thread selling Rise of the Tomb Raider for 5 keys (just a number for sake of example) and me, coming into your thread with a comment saying "I'm willing to give RotTR for 4 keys". This is a legit hijack.

Do you see the difference?

As for legitimacy in general - these are rules a group of people agreed upon, most of the time a majority, and most of the time for practical reasons. But they are still opinions. They became "legitimate" because there was a way to enforce them (by democracy, a tyrant, ruling party etc). But we're going into philosophy here :)

Without a system of moderation we won't get any policies - like your revised hijack definition - into place. If there was a way to become a mod here and lose your trading abilities maybe it can work. Right now being a trader and a mod is too high risk to easily get corrupted.

6 years ago

i can understand you example well its about thread hijack
but i'm talking about deals hijack ( stolen deal )

Maybe it's not polite or nice to try to get a trade when you already see the offer, but it's not against the site rules.

if its not against the site rules . then it should be

btw would you be happy if you were in harkeeshirvad situation?

If there was a way to become a mod here and lose your trading abilities maybe it can work. Right now being a trader and a mod is too high risk to easily get corrupted.

no, i dont want to be a mod here, i'm here for profit only ( legal right )
i try to help people not getting scammed, explain somethings to newbies since their is no mods here
also i believe that the mod should not be a trader, else he will use his power for his own benefits

6 years ago

I don't think you're using the right word, you can not hijack deals, the meaning of the word has nothing to do with this specifically, and "hijacking deals" aren't against the rules, so I stand on my word, that I didn't do anything wrong (if I was I'd be giving him a revenge rep now)

6 years ago

No, I wouldn't be happy, but I sure won't give someone -REP for it.
It's a free market system, mostly neutral and doesn't cater to your feelings or mine.
And I see that ultimately as a positive thing.
Imagine lowballing became illegitimate? You'd be getting tons of -REP. And most other big traders as well. If anything should dictate how the market function is practicality, not feelings.

As for "trade hijack", there's no such thing and as I've explained it's legitimate in this marketplace. As the thread owner you can decide to ignore those who don't follow your own standards, but can't dictate those standards to others.

6 years ago


6 years ago

The guy you traded with has over 200+ rep, this guy here has -17 rep from bots all with no trading history there's a huge difference between your situation and the OPs

6 years ago

yup didn't claim we we're 100% close, just that having injust -reps are bad

6 years ago

@ agk90 @ JyggalagSila @ Andlu

Thanks for your feedback ;)

6 years ago

An interesting story =]] I do not support anyone, but also wait to see how this incident ends? =]]

6 years ago

Happened to be as well... The community here is filled with bots . The bots vote against you and allow senseless reviews

6 years ago

Take this over to the discussion I'm sure someone will amend this crap

6 years ago

My post got deleted when I did it xD

6 years ago

Good luck beating this man.

6 years ago

Voted in your favor as well. You'd think that someone who tries to pull of something like that would at least TRY to be more discreet about using fake accounts (+0/-0 and icons all happen to be Asian females? Not suspicious at all...)

6 years ago

@ TieuPhong, @Unknownenemy, @SMX87, @Bluddey, @Kyaptain

Thanks :)

6 years ago

The nerve of some people... not only did they scam you out of your keys, they also fake rep bombed you. Voted in your favor. Hopefully you get those negatives removed.

6 years ago

You need not stop trading, people will understand they're fake. Btw, is he manipulating votes also?

6 years ago

Yes, in some hours the % changed from 90% to 65%...

6 years ago

Hmm. I wish you good luck with this and the other guy cancer.

6 years ago

i voted all to be removed, feel sorry for you man, i also have a false -rep on mine but sadly it wasnt removed

6 years ago


5 years ago


This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

I have The Division 2, 30€

5 years ago

I have an amdrewards page with the division 2. Willing it sell it for paypal.

5 years ago

I can buy from nuuvem:

Standard: 46,50usd
Gold: 56,00usd
Ultimate: 62,75usd

5 years ago

Yo, have The Division 2. Add me if you want to trade.

5 years ago

the division 2 + dmc 5 for paypal?

5 years ago

can sell you for 40 usd paypal i have uplay code

5 years ago

Hey, trap3d, I had sold couple games on kinguin, but have no possibility to withdraw from Kinguin, cause I'm not a registered seller.
Any chance you might help to convert (with reward of course) anything I could buy on kinguin (kinguin gift cards / steam gift cards) to Paypal?

4 years ago

Send me a friend request to discuss!

4 years ago


This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago


This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago*

Im tired warning people about one scammer that is using my name

4 years ago*

Hey! Selling activating Resident Evil 3 (there no key or gift), activating immediatly on your account. Add me if interested.

4 years ago

Hi i have resident evil 3 steam key if you are still interested

3 years ago

Closed 2 years ago.