This punk scammed me, and he scammed three other people. DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM, BEWARE.

His profile.

1 decade ago*

Vulgar language, too, told me my mother would die in an accident when I tried to contact him. And reposted this on my threads. WTF

1 decade ago

oh lol thanks for creating this thread. I'm seriously amazed at your stupidity... Now you want a thread to make your name well known as a scammer? Here's are your steam report ticket and steamrep report for people who want to look at this =).
There are evidences inside the links of course
P/S If I scammed you why dont you report me then???? And do give me the links after you report me, I want to have a good laugh

1 decade ago

Lol I already reported you. I promise.

1 decade ago

yawn yeah yeah link please.. Btw I wish your parents a pleasant death. You must feel really good right, steal 6 keys to have someone cursing your family =). Enjoy it!!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.