Hello. I can buy different current bundles with Paypal for you.

Current bundles

Humble Weekly Bundle: German Edition - 1 TF2 Key (NON-BTA) | 2.5 TF2 Key (BTA Tier 1) | 5.5 TF2 Keys (BTA Tier 2)

E3 Digital Ticket - 1 TF2 Key (NON-BTA) | 2 TF2 Key (BTA Tier 1) (Coh 2 DLC and Rome 2 DLC - out of stock)

Be Mine 13 - 1 TF2 Key (Tier 1) | 2.5 TF 2 Keys (Tier 2)

Tuesday Bundle - 1TF2 Key (Tier 1) | 2 TF2 Keys (Tier 2)

**Bundle Central - 1.5 TF2 Key

**Pheonix Bundle - 3.5 TF2 Keys

Ask for any other current bundles prices.

0.5 TF2 = 4 ref

Post here before and if we agree add me

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.