Hello Fellow Gamers,

I have a couple of keys that I would like to trade for either other steam games or for Paypal.

---Keys That I Have---

The Binding of Isaac

Legend of Grimrock

Cave Story+

Also if you want to check out my other post on non-indie games:
[url=http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/JteBM/darksiders-1-saints-row-3rd-red-fraction-keys-for-trade-or-paypal] other post [/url]

--- End of Keys---




---End of Giftables---

---Games I Want---

Primarily Any Game On My Steam Wishlist:


I will also consider any Steam Games I don't have so Please Make Suggestions!

---End of Games I Want---


I don't mind if you want to use Paypal but you would have to go first :)

--- End of Paypal---

Please be reasonable on your trade offer. I don't mind giving multiple keys for good offers.

Also I don't mind going first depending on the stakes and when it seems appropriate. I am new to the trading scene (so I haven't built up a solid rep for trading yet) but I will do diligence like what's recommended in the Sticky.


P.S.: Would seriously appreciate it if someone would tell me how to hyperlink the text

1 decade ago*

To hyperlink, place square brackets ][ around the text and round brackets )( around the link.

Your Steam gift inventory is private.

Do you have interest in anything here? I'm interested in PayPal.

1 decade ago

dang, still can't figure it out lol. do you have a link for an example?

1 decade ago

Heathfire or Organ Trail for Legends of Grimrock key?

1 decade ago

sorry, not interested atm. thanks anyways

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.