Hi! So, everyone knows these giveaways, you have to be real fast, and fortunately i got a key for the Project Genom Bronze avalon pack, and then realized i need to have the base game for it. Now am trading it away. :(

So keep in mind: You need the Base game for this key.
Bronze Avalon pack is a separate dlc pack for 19.99.
Premium currency to the amount of $30
Box with rare items
Forum and game title: Bronze Avalonian Bundle
2 additional slots in your inventory
Personal teleporter to a peaceful area with 45 min cooldown
3 unique personal cabin decor elements
3 unique hangar decor elements
Unique pet-drone

I accept:
Similar worth of skins from Payday 2/Killing Floor 2/Depth/PCE.
It can be a hundred 3cent skin i don't mind... :D
2 CS:go keys
2 tf2 keys
or 5 payday 2 safes (Hoxton/Biker/Chains/)
I would also trade it for any of my wishlisted game.

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.